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Chapter Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles

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1 Chapter 13 148 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles
Heredity or inheritance is the transmission of traits from one generation to the next generation. Genes are the units of heredity which are responsible for traits. Locus: the specific location of a gene in a chromosome. Chromosome: DNA and proteins.

2 TECHNIQUE 5 µm Pair of homologous replicated chromosomes Centromere
Fig. 13-3b TECHNIQUE 5 µm Pair of homologous replicated chromosomes Centromere Figure 13.3 Preparing a karyotype Sister chromatids Metaphase chromosome

3 148 Sexual reproduction: Asexual reproduction: Clone:
Life cycle: a sequence of stages from the time of conception of an organism to the production of its own offspring.

4 148 Karyotype: Homologous chromosomes (homologues):
Somatic chromosomes (autosomes): Diploid cells: Haploid cells: Gametes: Fertilization or syngamy: Zygote: Meiosis:

5 149 The Variety of Sexual Life Cycles:
In the human life cycle, the gametes are the only haploid cells. The multicellular organism is diploid. In many fungi and some protists, zygote is the only diploid stage. Meiosis occurs immediately after zygote formation. Mitosis produces a multicellular haploid organism. Gametes are produced from the haploid organism by mitosis.

6 Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46)
Fig. 13-5 Key Haploid gametes (n = 23) Haploid (n) Egg (n) Diploid (2n) Sperm (n) MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Ovary Testis Diploid zygote (2n = 46) Figure 13.5 The human life cycle Mitosis and development Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46)

7 149 Plants and some algae undergo a type of life cycle called alternation of generations which have diploid and haploid multicellular stages. The multicellular diploid stage is called the sporophyte, and the multicellular haploid stage is called the gametophyte. Meiosis in sporophyte produces haploid cells called spores. The spore divides by mitosis to form a multicellular haploid individual (gametophyte) which produces gametes by mitosis. Fertilization of the gametes gives rise to a zygote which divides by mitosis to form a multicellular diploid individual.

8 (b) Plants and some algae
Fig. 13-6b Key Haploid (n) Haploid multi- cellular organism (gametophyte) Diploid (2n) Mitosis Mitosis n n n n n Spores Gametes MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Figure 13.6b Three types of sexual life cycles—plants and some algae 2n 2n Zygote Diploid multicellular organism (sporophyte) Mitosis (b) Plants and some algae

9 149 Sexual Life Cycle in Animals:
Sexual Life Cycles in Plants and Some Algae: Sexual Life Cycles of Some Fungi and Some Algae: Refer to Fig. 13.6, page 252 in text.

10 Haploid unicellular or multicellular organism Diploid (2n)
Fig. 13-6c Key Haploid (n) Haploid unicellular or multicellular organism Diploid (2n) Mitosis Mitosis n n n n Gametes n MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Figure 13.6c Three types of sexual life cycles—most fungi and some protists 2n Zygote (c) Most fungi and some protists

11 150 Meiosis: Interphase I:
During interphase each chromosome replicates to form two sister chromatids which are still joined by the centromere. The centriole pairs also replicate.

12 Figure 13.7 Overview of meiosis: how meiosis reduces chromosome number
Interphase Homologous pair of chromosomes in diploid parent cell Chromosomes replicate Homologous pair of replicated chromosomes Sister chromatids Diploid cell with replicated chromosomes Figure 13.7 Overview of meiosis: how meiosis reduces chromosome number

13 150 First Meiotic Cell Division: Prophase I:
In addition to the events that take place in the prophase of mitosis, synapsis of homologous chromosomes and the formation of tetrads also take place in prophase I. Crossing over of homologous chromosomes also occurs. The sister chromatids are held together by centromeres and nonsister chromatids are linked by chiasmata, the points of crossing over. This phase occupies more than 90% of the time required for meiosis. It may last for several days.

14 150 Metaphase I: The homologous chromosomes in tetrad formation line up in the equatorial plane of the cell. Anaphase I: The homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell. There is no splitting of centromeres. Each chromosome has two chromatids, which are still joined by a centromere. Cytokinesis begins during late anaphase.

15 150 Telophase I: Two haploid nuclei are formed. Each chromosome contains double amount of nucleic acid because each chromosome has two chromatids, and each chromatid has one DNA. Cytokinesis: Division of cytoplasm forms two daughter cells, each contains half the amount of DNA as compared to the parental cell. In some species, after the first meiotic cell division there is a short period called interkinesis, which is similar to an interphase in mitosis except that there is no replication of DNA. Some species immediately undergo the second meiotic cell division without interkinesis.

16 Prophase I Metaphase I Centrosome (with centriole pair) Centromere
Fig. 13-8b Prophase I Metaphase I Centrosome (with centriole pair) Centromere (with kinetochore) Sister chromatids Chiasmata Spindle Metaphase plate Figure 13.8 The meiotic division of an animal cell Homologous chromosomes Fragments of nuclear envelope Microtubule attached to kinetochore

17 Telophase I and Cytokinesis
Fig. 13-8c Telophase I and Cytokinesis Anaphase I Sister chromatids remain attached Figure 13.8 The meiotic division of an animal cell Homologous chromosomes separate Cleavage furrow

18 150 Second Meiotic Cell Division: Prophase II:
Chromosomes become thickened and shortened. Centrioles move to opposite poles and send out the spindle apparatus. The nucleolus and nuclear membrane begin to disappear. No synapsis or crossing over occurs.

19 Telophase II and Cytokinesis
Fig. 13-8d Telophase II and Cytokinesis Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Sister chromatids separate Haploid daughter cells forming Figure 13.8 The meiotic division of an animal cell

20 Metaphase II: The chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane with the kinetochores of the sister chromatids facing the opposite poles. Anaphase II: The centromeres of sister chromatids split. The sister chromatids separate to form chromosomes which move to opposite poles. During late anaphase II, cytokinesis begins. The line of cell division is perpendicular to the first division plane.

21 Telephase II and Cytokinesis
Fig. 13-8f Telephase II and Cytokinesis Anaphase II Sister chromatids separate Haploid daughter cells forming Figure 13.8 The meiotic division of an animal cell

22 151 Telophase II: Two new nuclei are formed. The chromosomes begin to lengthen to form chromatins. Nucleolus and centriole are also formed. Spindle fibers disappear. Cytokinesis: Division of cytoplasm of each of the two haploid cells forms a total of four haploid cells.

23 Prophase I Nonsister of meiosis chromatids held together
Fig Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids held together during synapsis Pair of homologs Figure The results of crossing over during meiosis

24 Prophase I Nonsister of meiosis chromatids held together
Fig Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids held together during synapsis Pair of homologs Chiasma Centromere TEM Figure The results of crossing over during meiosis

25 Prophase I Nonsister of meiosis chromatids held together
Fig Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids held together during synapsis Pair of homologs Chiasma Centromere TEM Anaphase I Figure The results of crossing over during meiosis

26 Prophase I Nonsister of meiosis chromatids held together
Fig Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids held together during synapsis Pair of homologs Chiasma Centromere TEM Anaphase I Figure The results of crossing over during meiosis Anaphase II

27 Recombinant chromosomes
Fig Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids held together during synapsis Pair of homologs Chiasma Centromere TEM Anaphase I Figure The results of crossing over during meiosis Anaphase II Daughter cells Recombinant chromosomes

28 151 Mitosis and Meiosis Compared: Meiosis Mitosis
Synapsis of homologous No chromosomes and the formation of tetrads. Crossing over of homo No logous (nonsister) chromatids visible by the appearance of chiasmata.

29 151 Meiosis Mitosis At anaphase I, 3. At anaphase,
centromeres do not centromeres split and sister split and sister chromatids do not chromatids separate. The sister separate to form chromatids of each chromosomes, chromosome move which move to to the same pole the opposite poles.

30 Replicated chromosome
Fig. 13-9a MITOSIS MEIOSIS MEIOSIS I Parent cell Chiasma Chromosome replication Chromosome replication Prophase Prophase I Homologous chromosome pair 2n = 6 Replicated chromosome Metaphase Metaphase I Anaphase Telophase Anaphase I Figure 13.9 A comparison of mitosis and meiosis in diploid cells Telophase I Haploid n = 3 Daughter cells of meiosis I 2n 2n MEIOSIS II Daughter cells of mitosis n n n n Daughter cells of meiosis II

31 151 Meiosis Mitosis No interphase between 4. Interphase
meiosis I and II between each cell division. Formation of four Formation of haploid cells (gametes) two cells which which have half the have the identical number of chromosomes number of as the parental cell chromosomes as the parental cell.

32 151-152 Origins of Genetic Variation Among Offspring:
Independent Assortment of Chromosomes: The number of possible combinations in human gametes is 2n where n is equal to 23. It amounts to about 8 million possible assortments of chromosomes inherited from that individual’s mother or father. Crossing Over: It also contributes to genetic variability. It occurs when portions of nonsister chromatids trade places.

33 152 Random Fertilization:
A human gamete represents one out of 8.4 million possible genetic combinations. A zygote, which results from the fusion of sperm and egg, has 70 trillion diploid combinations (the exact number is 70,368,744,177,664).

34 152 Evolutionary Significance of Genetic Variation:
The two sources of genetic variation are sexual reproduction and mutations. Genetic variation provides the raw material for evolution. Natural selection results in the survival of those organisms with the right type of genetic makeup that enables them to adapt in an ever changing environment.

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