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Technology and Engineering

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1 Technology and Engineering
General Arrangement

* Ukuran dan detail kapal * Peralatan dan sistem geladak * Rancangan interior dan eksterior * Rancangan kamar mesin * Propulsi dan kemudi Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 4 Step Drawing General Arrengement
Define the main room Define the borders of each room Define the room’s furniture and safety equipments Providing access to the room Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Placement of Watertight
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Cargo Spaces Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Defining Cargo Hold Define the volume of cargo
Define the length of cargo hold Define the number and place of transverse watertight bulkhead Define frame spacing Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Machinery spaces . Main engine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Defining Machinery Spaces
Define the volume of space by considering the Main Engine Dimension Define the dimension of Main Engine Define the lay out of Engine Room Define the height of Main Engine foundation Define the place of sky light Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Spaces’ Accommodation
Define the place, number, kind, capacity and size of each following room (including the safety equipment inside) based on rank and number of crew and passenger by noticing available super structure and deck-house: Sleeping room. Mess room ( dining room ). Washing accommodation. Hospital. Galley and provision store. Access ladder and stairs in connection of means of escape according to SOLAS 1960 /1974. . Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 Calculating Number of Crew
The number of crew planned should be less than or equal to the following equation: Zc = Cst [ Cdk ( CN/1000 )1/6 + Ceng ( BHP/1000 )1/3 + Cadets ] Where: Cst = Coefficient Steward Deck ( 1,2 – 1,33 ) Cdk = Coefficient Deck Department ( 11,5 – 14,5 ) Ceng = Coefficient Engine Department ( 8,5 – 11,0 ) BHP = Horse Power ( HP ) Cadets CN = ( L.B.H ) / 1000 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Number Of Crew Officer Ranks 1. Captain 2. Chief Engineer
3. Chief Officer 2nd Engineer 2nd Officer 3rd Engineer 3rd Officer 4th Engineer Radio Operator Electrician Petty Officer 4. Boatswain Chief Cook, Chief Steward Carpenter Crew 5. Quarter master, Ass. Cook, Steward Pump man Seaman , Boys , Cleaner , Fireman Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Sleeping room Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 Accommodation Room Plan
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 Structural Arrangement
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 Navigation Room Wheel house Chart room Radio room
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 Wheel House Placed on highest deck
Flying Wheel ±0,5 m wide from breadth (B) The kind of side door is sliding door Teknologi dan Rekayasa

17 Cart Room Placed in Wheel House
Cart room and wheel house must be directly connected Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 Radio room Placed as high as possible Separated room
Operator’s sleeping room must be as close as possible Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 Placement of Tanks Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 Lay out of Tanks Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 THANK YOU Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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