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The Ottoman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottoman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottoman Empire

2 What is the purpose of the Council of Trent?
Warm UPPPPP What is the purpose of the Council of Trent?

3 Agenda Talkin About The Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire
Moving Picture Show: Hagia Sophia Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire/Safavid Map Accomplishments of the Ottoman Timeline Review for Test HW: Study for Unit 1 test



6 Turks settle down (Othman)
Anatolian Turks similar to crusaders, and they kill “infidels”. Built a State in Anatolia between Used cannons and gunpowder to take cities. Conquered people were treated well, but were required to pay taxes.

7 Timur the Lame Early 1400, Rebel from Samarkand.
Claimed to be descendant of Genghis Kahn. Conquered Russia and Persia. Pillaged Baghdad Massacred population in Delhi. He takes the Sultan, and violence breaks out among the brothers.

8 Expansion of the Empire
Mehmet I defeats his brothers and takes the throne. Expansion continues through Mehmet II takes Constantinople with 100,000 soldiers. (1453) Pillaged the city for 3 days, ransacking the Hagia Sophia. Inhabitants were made slaves. Hagia Sophia turned into a Mosque. (HEY BELL… VIDEO)

9 Suleiman and the Height of the Empire
Controlled major trade routes on Eastern Med and throughout Continent. Complex Military State 20,000 slaves Janissaries, took young boys and trained them in Islamic tradition, making them soldiers. Allowed Freedom of Religion.

10 Cultural Achievements and Decline
Taxation simplified. Mosque of Suleiman Contained a hospital, library, and college. Decline Killed his ablest son, incompetent one took power in Everyone scared of losing power, so they kill anyone they feel can take it. Lack of modernization leads to end in 1924.

11 Safavid’s Aligned themselves with Shi’a Islam.
Since they were attacked by the Ottomans, they built a large military. Isma’il became a religious tyrant Killed anyone of the Sunni side of Islam. Similar to the Ottomans, including its decline.

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