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The Difficult Search for American Products in the US

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1 The Difficult Search for American Products in the US
Unit 5 Section A 3a-3c The Difficult Search for American Products in the US

2 This class, I hope you can
★ be active (积极的), ★ be mindful(思维活跃的), ★ give your classmates some praises (赞扬), ★ have a PK! (3challenges)

3 China Australia Japan Korea America England Switzerland France
Different sceneries of different countries. Australia Japan China Korea America England Switzerland France

4 Free talk If you take a trip abroad , what will you do? visit…
chat with local people 当地的 eat… goods, things buy local products

5 What local products will you buy for me?

6 Switzerland, If you go to What will you buy ? clothes watches cameras
Japan Switzerland, (瑞士) France, If you go to What will you buy ? clothes watches cameras

7 Do you think Not really! Japan are made in France Switzerland ?

8 What a big surprise! I have a good friend. She went to four years ago.
Last year, she sent me a on my birthday. handbag I love it so much, but to my great surprise, when I looked carefully, it signs “ ”.

9 “MADE IN CHINA ” can be seen everywhere in the world.
Even though they are American brands, they are made in China. 虽然它们是美国商标,但却是中国制造。

10 Read the passage quickly,choose the main idea.
Fast reading Read the passage quickly,choose the main idea. 快速阅读全篇, 选择文章大意。 age from where to travel What’s the passage mainly about? 17 years old The Difficult Search for American Products in the US A . American people like products made in China C. Americans hardly avoid buying products made in America. Shanghai B. Kang Jian’s difficult search for products made in America. the USA Sometimes we can get the main idea from the title. (标题)

11 Read paragraph 1 and tell T or F.
Careful reading Read paragraph 1 and tell T or F. F Kang Jian went to the US with his aunt and uncle. ( ) Many products in the local shops in the US were made in China ( ) Kang Jian can easily buy an American-made toy car in the US ( ) to visit his aunt and uncle. T not Even though most of the toys were American brands, They were made in China. F

12 再读第一段,找出文中的黑体词指代什么,请画到课本上。
Read paragraph 1 again, and find what the words in bold refer to(指代). ( 小组合作一) 再读第一段,找出文中的黑体词指代什么,请画到课本上。 Challenge 1! 1 2 Choose one egg, and answer the question. 会有惊喜等着你呦! 3 4 5

13 No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.
A . a watch , your country B. some clothes and a watch, the country you visit C. the products you buy in other countries, the country you visit

14 He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.
“It” refers to ____________________________________________________________________ so many products in the local shops were made in China.

15 3.Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China.
“they” refers to _________________. most of the toys

16 Congratulations, you won’t answer questions, but you can get a !

17 Read paragraph 2 and finish the chart.
Careful reading Task 1 Read paragraph 2 and finish the chart. Kang Jian wants to buy ____________________. a pair of basketball shoes He had to ___________________before finding a pair made in America. visit five or six stores He realized that Americans can______________________made in China. hardly avoid buying products

18 Read paragraph 2 again and answer the questions.
Careful reading Task 2 Read paragraph 2 again and answer the questions. 1.What other things Kang Jian found were made in China? 2.What does Kang Jian wish? Footballs, handbags, pet food,mobile phones. (可移动的) Even American flags are made in China. ★ In the future,China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.

19 Challenge 2! Retelling time! 复述时间! but but who
Kang Jian ,a__________old boy from____. when last year where went to the USA to visit_______ what happens He realized that Americans can _____buying products made in China. He wanted to buy a________ He wanted to buy a pair of________ but but He found even though most toys were __________,they were ________. He had to visit 5 or 6 _____before finding a pair ___________.


21 Nowadays,more and more products are made in China.

22 No matter it’s cheap or expensive,

23 for use or for fun,

24 “Made in China” has been a popularity.

25 Do you know why?

26 The reason is easy to know.

27 China is becoming stronger and stronger in the world


29 I believe “ Made in China ” will be more and more popular.


31 We should be proud that we are Chinese!

32 Our “China Dream ” will come true!

33 China is becoming stronger and stronger in the world.
I believe “ Created in China ” will be more and more popular. We should be proud that we are Chinese! Our “China Dream ” will come true!

34 We should move from “Made in China” to “Created in China”, from “China speed” to “China quality” and from “Chinese products” to “Chinese brands”.

35 Challenge 3! Writing Time!
现在你有一次给敬爱的习主席写信的机会,请简单叙述一下你朋友康剑的美国之旅。并发表自己的观点,以及将来的打算。 Writing Time! Dear _________, My name is_________,I am ___years old. I have a good friend, he is Kang Jian. last year he went to __________to visit____________, he wanted to buy____________and ________________,but he found that most of the products are_____________. After hearing his story , I feel ___________,I think China will____________________. As a middle school student, I will _________________. May you be healthy! Yours,

36 Homework You must retell the passage to your friend. If you can,
send you letter to Uncle Xi.

37 Study hard, let “Made in China” become “Created in China”. Hope our dream come true.

38 Thank you ! Good bye!

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