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A Semantic Ethnography

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1 A Semantic Ethnography
The Dreamseekers Group of Calgary By Dan McKinnon

2 The Dreamseekers Since 1991, 10 members, years old, monthly meetings, 3 women & 7 men 1-PhD, 4-Masters, 3 Undergrads members from psychology, business, information technology, healing arts the study and practise of lucid dreaming for entertainment, self-development & learning.

3 Lucid Dreaming, What’s it all about?

4 Lucid dreaming is… Being able to consciously recognize that you are dreaming while you are dreaming Once aware you are dreaming, acting to consciously control and change the context & characters of the dream in real time And why? Its an exhilarating experience, travel to exotic locations, meet interesting people, do things you couldn’t when awake

5 An example from “The Sun and the Shadow” (Ken Kelzer)

6 Yes, you are asleep when you are lucid dreaming!
LaBerge’s PhD dissertation (1977) at Stanford empirically verifies a dreamer can be lucid while asleep(“In his own words”) Brain Waves and You Your 90 minute sleep cycle

7 Brain waves and you Beta 12+ Hz, normally Cs zone
Alpha 8-12 Hz, the meditative zone Theta 4-7 Hz, the hypnagogic zone Delta < 4Hz, Ucs zone, asleep

8 Your 90 minute sleep cycle

9 The Participant Observation Meeting & Process
Informed consent by Reviewed/confirmed - keywords/phrases and cultural categories Discussed revisions, additions and categorizations Special Observations Took notes on…. How the meeting flowed? Any tensions? Any surprises? Any feedback?

10 A Sampling of Keywords/Phrases & Categories

11 Keywords/Phrases EEG, REM sleep (paradoxical sleep) Oneironaut
Reflexivity in dreams Sleep paralysis & hynagogia Dream sign Reality check “Five-alive” technique OBE NDE Freud, Winson & Hobson

12 Categories Neurophysiology of Sleep Dreaming & related phenomena
Required Lucidity Skills The Classic Experiences Theories of Dreaming and more….

13 Characteristics of a Dreamseeker

14 A dreamseeker is: An informed practitioner who is committed to searching and expanding the boundaries of personal growth. Someone who is willing to take the objective risks and do the subjective work that will lead to their creating an intricate cartography of human consciousness. A master of “mind-state’ management.

15 Dreamseeker Culture

16 Insights on dreamseeker culture...
A community of psycho-spiritual seekers. An intellectual salon where each participant can safely participate in a question and discussion format which ultimately leads to personal insight and discovery. An emotionally supportive environment of kindred spirits.

17 Context & Categorizations
Semantic ethnography-meaning making by unpacking a language categories are interpretive filters (IF’s) the ultimate category is…UCasUR

18 The “Bigger Picture”

19 Bigger Picture Social constructivism & hermenuetics
Narrative structures, we are our stories Dreaming to create a self

20 Dreamseekers are…..

21 Here’s two great books on lucid dreaming!
Interested? Here’s two great books on lucid dreaming!

22 Remember, be reflexive - you could be dreaming now.

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