Conducting Interviews

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1 Conducting Interviews
Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman

2 Conducting Interviews
1. Setting up Interviews

3 Interview Studio Interview: Interviews were conducted in a studio room. Announcer and persons in the room-air .

4 This should be in Studio Interview:
Opening the interview with the expressions of interest, give reasons on the listener is to listen to the interview. Introducing the identity of persons, themes, interviews, and enter some basic information. Make conversation with Narasumbber first before going to the debriefing session.

5 Potitioned persons so comfortable in the interview process.
Announcer learn first interview material Please check back in a studio interview. On the type of interactive interview, note the anticipation of hearing. Ask a question in clear, concise, and do not give a question "Yes-No Questions."

6 Interview of Foreign Studio:
Interviews conducted by reporter or announcer, directly on site coverage.

7 This should be in the Foreign In Studio Interview:

8 Prepare Tools, carefully:
Level baterei Mic and tape recorder Baterei backup Blank tapes Saputangan a large towel or, if the record in the outdoor location. Because it will help as a wind protector and refine the sound.

9 Explore Places Is this House time? What type?
If anyone is living with? Are dead? Is close to the road? Are near a traffic light? Is close to the school? Whether the aircraft down the track? Whether an office? Can close the door?

10 Can turn off phone? Can keep the people? Do want a quiet location or locations with a busy background to enliven atmosphere? Can do interviews in the atmosphere in the quiet?

11 Rekamlah-Wildtracking atmosphere around!
POTITIONED! Ask persons to introduce themselves, including the position or occupation, at the beginning of the interview. Give some time during untk talked. Look for general topics to be discussed at this time. If persons appear nervous, as bad when worry it’s interview broadcast.

12 Let the source of information about the type of interview.
Some of the interviews will lead to a hot atmosphere. If the interviewer decides to become "Agresif" in the interview, plan some "controversial question."

13 Conducting Interviews

14 Engineering a Question:
Make a list! With a note: Do not followed all the interview questions if running well. Do not "read", but "suarakan" as if without a script. Do not be glued to the written questions. Do not practice the source of information about the questions that will be proposed. Do not show the question. May memberiakan picture for the source of information and ideas.

15 Key: WHY? Make words make a "why" as a digger of information.
Your questions. Try to use "The question" such as: "What's your opinion about ..." "Please describe briefly ...“ Fastener. Try to ask questions "bond" the following: "What you mean ...?" "The purpose ... you?“ Conclusion. Ask a question "cover" as the end of the interview, for example: "What's your message for fellow young people?"

16 Keep your question brief
Keep your question brief! Questions should be short and clearly does not kink. example: "How do you comment terakhi about the economy now?" should be: "How is your assessment of current economic conditions?".  

17 Create perioritas. Check this first penying first.
Time is running fast and tight. Then go to the core of the problem as soon as possible. Note the way! How to answer the question mempengaruhu persons. Fokus! Pastikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu terfokus pada inti masalah. Flexible! Listen to the answers carefully and Be flexible. One question. Do not ask a question ask a double question.

18 Fishing rod! Susunlah questions that do not have to own it later.
Avoid opinion. Do not make pertanyaa. Remember, the task is a reporter asked. Fishing rod! Susunlah questions that do not have to own it later. Avoid "yes-no questions." Avoid questions that invite answers "yes" and "no". Repeat the question is important. Kemukakan longer phrases or key phrase to indicate the source of information on. Search clarity. Do not be afraid to repeat the question.

19 Do not accuse. Do not give anything to the alleged persons.
End if clogged. A good interviewer will know when this interview will be dead or dead.

20 NO interviewer do the following:
Record the source of information in a group-each meneriakan answers than the other. Ask a question or make a closed "comment bedlam" when the source of information to answer questions TAFE recorder direct-to face them. Vox Pop trying to do the background voices or sudden loud sound when the music can be in the know.

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