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The Dark Tower.

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1 The Dark Tower

2 Which character first said “Go then, there are more worlds than these”
Roland Deschain Walter O’Dim Eddie Dean Jake Chambers

3 Wrong Back Skip

4 Correct In the first book right before falling off the bridge Jake says to Roland “Go then, there are more worlds than these.” Next

5 How did Eddie Dean die? Man Flu Bullet to the head
Ripped apart by psychics He didn’t

6 Wrong Back Skip

7 Correct Eddie Dean was shot after the battle, at Devar-Toi, by an opponent who the Ka-Tet thought they had shot and killed. Next

8 Where did Roland find Patrick Danville?
The top of the tower Empathica Ruling over the universe Gilead

9 Wrong Back Skip

10 Correct Dandelo was a creature which fed on emotions and frequently used Patrick Danville as a smorgasbord when he couldn’t find any of victims to feast on. Next

11 Who is Randall Flag’s father?
Maerylin Eld The Crimson King John Farson

12 Wrong Back Skip

13 Correct Randall Flagg also known as Walter Broadcloak and a plethora of other names is the son of Maerylin a creature born of the primordial prim Next

14 What is another name for the “Wizard’s Rainbow”?
Merlin’s Rainbow Bends o' the Bow Double Rainbow Palantir

15 Wrong Back Skip

16 Correct Maerylin’s rainbow, Bends o' the Bow, and Wizard’s Rainbow are all names for a set of magic balls each representing one of the 12 guardians of the beams and the black one representing the Dark Tower which stands at the centre of all the worlds. Next

17 What is Oy? Badger Creature of the Prim Raccoon Bumbler

18 Wrong Back Skip

19 Correct Oy is a billy bumbler, they look like a cross between raccoons and woodchucks. Next

20 When did Roland lose the “Horn of Eld”
At the battle of Jericho Hill During his childhood in Gilead Shoot-out at Eyebolt Canyon In the sewers of Lud

21 Wrong Back Skip

22 Correct The “Horn of Eld” was lost at Jericho Hill a battle to decide the fate of Gilead. Next

23 Why does the Crimson King want to destroy The Dark Tower?
Boredom To screw over his dad To rule over the Prim To kill Roland

24 Wrong Back End

25 Correct The Crimson King wants to destroy the Dark Tower so as to destroy the universe, returning to the prim that he was destined to rule over since he was born from it. Next

26 Congratulations

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