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Improving the Lives of Girls and Young Women in the Justice System (?)

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1 Improving the Lives of Girls and Young Women in the Justice System (?)
Gilly Sharpe University of Sheffield

2 ‘Feminist pathways’ into crime
‘Feminist pathways’ research: important gender differences in routes into crime, especially experiencing family, intimate partner and other male-perpetrated violence Histories of state ‘care’ – frequent neglect/violence experienced there too The deeper a young woman has penetrated the youth justice system = (generally) the greater the likelihood she has experienced (multiple forms of) victimisation …....BUT….. Victimisation does not cause offending…important intervening variables, including agency (non-)responses to abuse and exploitation of young women History of victimisation may itself increase the likelihood of subsequent arrest/conviction/court-ordered penal intervention/custody (+breach?)

3 Gender-responsive programming
Interventions for: Apprehended female lawbreakers; Girls ‘at risk of offending’ Aims: promote gender equality; sensitive and effective responses to girls’ specific (criminogenic) needs Programme foci: self-esteem enhancement; promote healthy relationships; address victimisation; ‘empowerment’.

4 Growing Out of Crime (leave the girls alone)
Female offending peaks at years One-quarter of girls vs. two-fifths of boys under 18 re-arrested within 12 months Some law-breaking fairly common amongst girls – normal and unremarkable part of (working-class?) female, as well as male, adolescence Evidence of criminogenic effects of any formal youth justice system involvement (McAra and McVie, 2007 – Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime).

5 Individual risks/needs or oppressive social circumstances?
Individual young women constructed as needy or deficient Risky ‘vulnerabilities’ ‘Protective’ incarceration / ‘therapunitive’ sentencing (Carlen) Assessment of need in a risk-led penal context inevitably surrenders to the logic of risk reduction and the attendant risks of punishing individual(ised) welfare needs Focus on gender-specific needs whilst sidelining gendered, classed and age-discriminatory social injustices? Legitimacy of punishment when ignored as victims?

6 Institutional Neglect
Welfare inaction may be an important factor influencing girls’ pathways from victimisation to offending (as well as mental health problems, etc.) Criminalised girls frequently failed/ignored/blamed by state agencies when they are victims Welfare inaction may (cruelly and ironically) result in increased risk and increased penal intervention (inc. to address/survive past victimisation) What does this communicate to girls about their value as people?

7 Critical education: a strategy for increasing justice for girls
Broad aim of exposing – and ameliorating – structural patriarchal and anti-youth systems resulting in failures to protect girls and to respond to those who abuse/neglect/violate them Aim of (real) empowerment – orientation towards social action and social change Help young women in trouble with the law to: “make sense of their biographies by analysing the ways in which larger social forces have shaped their families, communities and individual life chances [such that] attempting to change social structure becomes the intervention” (Goddard and Myers 2011: 662-3).

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