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CALIPSOplus JRA2 Kickoff: Task 6 – Authentication + Identity

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1 CALIPSOplus JRA2 Kickoff: Task 6 – Authentication + Identity
Björn Erik Abt :: Paul Scherrer Institut CALIPSOplus JRA2 Kickoff: Task 6 – Authentication + Identity

2 Task Description

3 Deliverable Description

4 Why all of this? Allow usage of umbrellaID allong the scientific workflow: Proposal handling Data acquisition Data analysis Remote access Data catalogue

5 Why all of this? umbrellaID with SAML2 is mainly browser based
Most of the Data Analysis is not browser based We need to enable the non-browser based usage of umbrellaID We do have experience with a PoC with Diamond Light Source This experience needs to be productionalized and The service needs to be opened to all participants We need to enable access to cloud instances

6 Technical Background SAML2 ECP Moonshot OIDC ???

7 Moonshot A single technology for a broad range of non-web services
Federated identity management for: Cloud infrastructure High performance & grid computing Mail, file store, remote access, instant messaging Builds upon RADIUS, SAML and GSSAPI It’s an IETF standard

8 Moonshot

9 OpenID Connect Simple layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol
End-User identity verification by an Authorization Server Allows Web-based, mobile and JavaScript clients Authentication for services with no direct client access Transmission of user attributes

10 OpenID Connect

11 Timeline M01-M18: Decide on and implement non-web based umbrellaID
M18-M28: Spread usage with pilots at different facilities M28-M36: Write white paper on sustainability HNSC and EOSC M36: Delivery of D24.6

12 Outlook I’m looking forward to a productive time and I hope we can:
Accomplish the goals Extend umbrellaID to be non-web based Increase the interest in umbrellaID among the community Reach a self-sustaining state with umbrellaID

13 Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen

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