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Heather Kuiper DrPH, MPH

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1 Heather Kuiper DrPH, MPH
Health and Rule 12-16 A review of the Comment Letter for Notice of Preparation, December 2, 2016 Heather Kuiper DrPH, MPH January 18, 2017

2 Submitted By: Bart Ostro PhD Former Chief Air Pollution Epi, Cal EPA
Linda Rudolph MD MPH Director Center for Climate and Health Amy D Kyle PhD, MPH School of Public Health UCB (for ID only) Jonathan Heller PhD Co-Director Human Impact Partners Claire V Broom MD Former Assistant Surgeon General Wendel Brunner MD PhD MPH Former Director Public Health, Contra Costa Kathy Dervin MPH Sr. Cimate and Health Consultant Janice Kirsch MD MPH Oncologist and Hematologist Heather Kuiper DrPH MPH Public Health Consultant Deborah Burger RN Co-President California Nurses Association

3 From Tar Sands to Adverse Health Outcomes
Increased Emissions and Exposures Adverse Health Outcomes Premature mortality, cardiovascular and pulmonary disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer Physical, neurological, and cognitive adverse effects on infants and children Health impacts of climate change Particulate matter (PM2.5 and ultra fines) Heavy metals, SO2, Nox, VOCs, etc. Greenhouse Gas co-pollutant and local climate related hazards

4 Additional Ramifications
Environmental Justice No Safe Levels No Cap-and-Trade Protection Disproportionate exposure/burden on vulnerable: infants, children, elderly, people of color and low SES Concentrated on fence line Non Attainment for Particulate Matter Every increment increase emissions associated with increased adverse health outcomes Cap and trade won’t protect health from local refinery emissions Likely not permissible per disproportionate burden

5 BAAQMD, CEQA, AB32 are for Health
BAAQMD’s mission states: “[t]he Air District aims to create a healthy breathing environment for every Bay Area resident while protecting and improving public health, air quality, and the global climate.”

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