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Wychavon Healthy, Active Toddlers Chris Holder

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Presentation on theme: "Wychavon Healthy, Active Toddlers Chris Holder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wychavon Healthy, Active Toddlers Chris Holder
W.H.A.T. Wychavon Healthy, Active Toddlers Chris Holder

2 Commitment by Wychavon to provide a
Why W.H.A.T.? Commitment by Wychavon to provide a proactive approach to the increased obesity levels of children in the district

3 Mini MEND? Cost Recruitment Sustainability Partners / funding

4 Partners Surestart Children’s centres
Family Learning (Libraries and Learning) NHS Worcestershire

5 Change4life Up and About Five a day Snack check Cut back on fat
Me sixed meals Sugar swaps Mealtimes 60 minutes exercise

6 The Programme 3 children’s centre’s: 15 families
Pershore, Droitwich, Evesham 15 families 10 weeks 1 day a week 2 hours each session

7 Aims and objectives Families will know how to achieve a healthy diet and active lifestyle to improve health

8 By the end of the programme it was hoped that parents / carers would:
Understand the importance of diet on their families weight, health and well being

9 Know the consequences of having a diet high in fat, sugar and salt

10 Recognise the links between personal health and safe food hygiene practices
Practice basic food handling and preparation



13 Be able to list the 5 food groups outlined in the Eatwell plate model

14 Have signed up to the national Change4life campaign
Accessed the library service

15 Know the difference between refined and unrefined foods and their effect on the body
Understand the difference between natural and refined sugars

16 Be able to read nutrition labels on food packaging
Know the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats Be aware of appropriate food portions for different family members

17 set nutritional and activity goals for their family
Be able to plan healthy meals and snacks Identified and tasted a range of fruit and vegetables

18 Will have engaged in meaningful play activities with their child
Taken part in physical play activities with their children Made use of the library services

19 Over farm visit

20 Evaluation What goals were achieved? Was the programme cost effective?
Did the families enjoy the experience? Did the programme make a difference to the families?

21 Can the programme meet the goals of partners?
Could the programme be better organised? How can the programme be improved? Can WHAT meet partners targets?

22 Next step Children’s centres
Community groups – Salvation Army, Scouts/girl guides, colleges

23 Thank you for your time Any questions?

24 My thanks to: The Surestart children’s centres
The Library and Learning Services Sarah Waddington Debbie Herbert

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