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World Shi'a Population Year 2009

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1 World Shi'a Population Year 2009
Pew Research Institute: 2009 Slide Show by Dr. A.S. Hashim

2 According to Pew Research Institute,
A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.6 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion. Shi’as are around 20% of the world Muslim population.

3 Countries with Shi’a Population


5 Muslim Population Percentage

6 Muslim Population 2014

7 Distribution and Numbers
Most Shi’as (between 68% and 80%) live in just four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq. Shi’a Numbers are in the range of 320 Millions to 350 Millions and according to some estimates its in the range of 400 Millions.

8 The Shi’a in Middle-East,
The bulk of the world’s Muslim population – more than six-in-ten (62%) – is located in Asia itself.   In Middle-East, The Shi’a majority countries are Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Yemen and also there is a larger shi’a population in Syria and Turkey. The Shi'a are around 20% population of Syria and Turkey. The Alevi constitute the second largest religious community in Turkey (following the Sunnis), and number some 25% (20 million) of the total population.


10 Shi’a in Middle East (circa 2012)

11 Percent of the Shi’a

12 Sunni and Shi’a in the Middle East

13 In terms of world Shi’a Muslim population
In terms of the world Shi'a muslim population, Most People don't know that about half the population of the core middle east are Shi'a. The nations where Shi’a Muslims form a dominant majority are: Iran (95%), Azerbaijan (80%), Bahrain (75%) and Iraq (65%), a plurality in Lebanon (45%) and large minorities in Yemen (45%), Turkey (25%), Kuwait (35%), Afghanistan (20%), Pakistan (20-25%), Saudi Arabia (15%), India (20-25% of Muslims), UAE (20%), and Syria (15-20%).

14 Sources: http://islamic-forum
In recent years we've witnessed a Shi’a revolution that is sweeping through the world. In North Africa, especially in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, entire tribes and towns are converting to Shi'a Islam in a surprising and amazing force. Shi'a Islam is growing roots in Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, and even in Saudi Arabia. At the epicenter of Saudi Wahabism, is a city called Qaseem, we are now hearing reports of a massive Shi'a conversion rates among university students in Qaseem. This is causing major alarm and concern in the Wahhabi establishment.

15 Shi’ism is spreading. In any case, Shi'a Islam is spreading for 2 reasons. Proliferation of Media, and free flow of information. In the past, the media was controlled by the governments. Television, radio, newspapers, books. Whatever the government didn't want it's people to see was forbidden, whatever agenda they wanted their people to believe in was promoted. Today you have the internet, sattelite televisions, mobile phones. All of this made it possible for the Shi'a voice to reach the world population, and the government has no way of stopping this wide spread free flow of information. It is the true religion that Allah (swt) promised to make supreme over all other religions, so whether others likes it or not: Shi'a version pf Islam is here to stay and win the minds and hearts of many people of the world.

16 The World’s Muslim Population
The world’s 1.6 Billion Muslim population can be approximately divided into the following main sects: Hanafi Sunni Muslims : 35% Shafi’i Sunni Muslim : 25% Shi'a Muslims : 20% Maaliki Sunni Muslims : 15% Hanbali Sunni Muslims: 4% Salafi Muslims : 1%


18 Sunni and Shi’a in Asia

19 According to the Madh’habs

20 The Muslim Affiliation and Whereabouts
Most Indo-European people are Hanafi. Afro-Asiatic people usually aren’t Hanafi. The majority of East Africans, The Hui (ethnic Chinese Muslim), and the Malay are Shafi’i. Most Muslims in West Africa are almost Maaliki, (including the Maghrib nations (North Africa), and other places where maghrib/berber/beurette culture has spread). If you look into the numbers, Salafis, a tiny puritanical minority of Sunnis, are found only in Saudi Arabia and a few Gulf states where they are the ruling elites.

21 Muslims in the United States

22 Islam 2nd Largest


24 Shi’a Population in Africa

25 Shi’a Population in Europe

26 Why Non-Muslims attend Events?

27 Islam in the United States: Wikipedia

28 Islam in the United Kingdom: Wikipedia

29 Muslim Population in selected countries

30 How Europe views Jews and Muslims

31 Countries with most Terror Fatalities

32 Muslims around the World
Mapping the Global Muslim Population

33 Iman (Belief): Sunni Allah and His Attributes The Angels
The Revealed Books (Torah and Bible) Messengers of God The Hereafter Qadr: Being Guided yet Free to Choose

34 The Five Pillars of Islam: Sunni

35 Ibadat (Rituals): Sunni
Shahaada: (Faith Declaration) Salat: (Prayer) Zakat: (Poor-due) Saum: (Fasting) Haj: (Pilgrimage)

36 Iman (Belief): Shi’a Tawhid (Allah and His Attributes)
Al-Adl (Justice of God) Nubu'wah (Prophethood): The Revealed Books (Torah and Bible) The Angels Qadr: Being Guided yet Free to Choose Imamah Ma’ad (The Hereafter)

37 The Five Pillars of Islam: Shi’i

38 Ibadat (Rituals): Shi’a
Salat: (Prayer) Zakat: (Poor-due) Saum: (Fasting) Haj: (Pilgrimage) Khums: (The Fifth) Jihad: Major: Refining the Self Lesser: Take-up arms in Defense of Islam Al Amru Bil Ma'ruf (Enjoining to what is Good) Al Nahiyu Unn Al Munkar (Forbidding what is Evil)
















54 Finally, Read Surah Al-Asr together
I swear by the time, وَالْعَصْرِ Lo! man is a state of loss, إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience. إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ

55 Thank you and may Allah Bless you.
Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and may Allah Bless you. Dr. A.S. Hashim

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