Finite element mesh and load definition

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Presentation on theme: "Finite element mesh and load definition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finite element mesh and load definition
Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Course Introduction to virtual engineering Lecture and laboratory 6. Finite element mesh and load definition László Horváth university professor

2 Contents László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Lecture Concept of finite element analysis Completing part models for finite element analysis Finite elements and placing loads for analysis Concept of associative, parametric, and adaptive mesh Laboratory Introduction by studying typical FEA tasks (VE6.1/a-b) Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface (VE6.2) László Horváth ÓU-IAM

3 Concept of finite element analysis
Approximation of location dependent parameters as design variables acting on the design performance on a finite number of finite elements Finite Element Modeling (FEM) creates extended part and assembly model for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) A numerical method Edge Node Calculation of parameters on nodes in a mesh László Horváth ÓU-IAM

4 Completing part models for finite element analysis (preprocessing)
Definition of loads and boundary conditions Checking for consistency and correctness Optimizing mesh Preparation of FEM Selection of material properties Simplified regions Preparation of geometric Convert model from outside source New geometric model New entities model Hálógenerálás Mesh generation Controlled by engineer Automatic correction Automatic Refining mesh László Horváth ÓU-IAM

5 Finite elements and placing loads for analysis
Mesh Elements One-dimensional Planar Shell Solid László Horváth ÓU-IAM

6 Finite elements modeling
This FEM/FEA modeling and analysis are done as Laboratory task VE6.1/a. Part modeling is included in .ppt for lecture 8. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

7 Finite elements modeling
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

8 Finite elements and placing loads for analysis
Several frequently applied loads Concentrated and distributed force. Torque. Contact pressure. Acceleration (gravity, translation, rotation). Temperature on surface. Concentrated or distributed heat source. Magnetic. Placing loads and restraints Making simulation of real operating conditions possible. On mesh (at nodes). On geometry of the part (along lines and on surfaces). Mathematical expressions. Automatic contact recognition. Boundary conditions Mechanical restraints restrict movements in specified directions and result reaction forces. Definition of degrees of freedom. Non-restrained nodes have six degrees of freedom. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

9 Placing clamp restraint (DOF=0) on geometry
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

10 Placing bearing load on geometry
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

11 Placing distributed force load on geometry
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

12 László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Compute the model László Horváth ÓU-IAM

13 László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Compute the model László Horváth ÓU-IAM

14 Concept of associative, parametric, and adaptive mesh
Two-way associative connection between shape model and mesh for automatic change of the mesh in case of changed geometry. Mesh is characterized by parameters mainly for the definition of its dimensions. Adaptive mesh definition is an automatic modification of mesh density, element order, and element shape. Density can vary according to the load on each region. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

15 László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Visualize the mesh László Horváth ÓU-IAM

16 Definition of solution and visualize color ranges
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

17 Visualize with and without deformation
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

18 Nodal values – details from different regions of the solid
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

19 Finite element modeling and analysis
Laboratory task VE6.1/b. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

20 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
Slides 8-13 show main steps of the part definition. If you can not understand the definition process, please refer to relevant slide shows for the previous lectures or to the lecturer. Laboratory task VE6.2 includes definition of this part. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

21 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

22 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

23 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

24 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

25 Definition of a mechanical part to be analyzed
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

26 Definition of load and restraint in Finite Element Model (FEM)
Laboratory task VE6.1/b includes definition of the subsequent FEM and FEA model. László Horváth ÓU-IAM

27 Visualization of mesh in Finite Element Model (FEM)
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

28 Finite Element Analysis (FEM)
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

29 Introduction by studying typical FEA tasks
Source: László Horváth ÓU-IAM

30 Introduction by studying typical FEA tasks
Source: László Horváth ÓU-IAM

31 Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface
Laboratory task VE6.2 László Horváth ÓU-IAM

32 Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

33 Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

34 Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

35 Creating and studying finite element mesh on a spatial surface
László Horváth ÓU-IAM

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