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Understanding Allusions to Greek Mythology

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1 Understanding Allusions to Greek Mythology

2 Mythology What is mythology?
Some people use the word myth to mean fake, but… A myth is a actually traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involves supernatural beings or events. Mythology is the study of those stories. (*Phenomenon: an event or situation that is unexplainable.)

3 Mythology Myths were created to… Explain the creation of the earth.
Explain death and the afterlife. Explain natural disasters like, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Explain human experiences like, love, jealousy, revenge, & war, etc. They were also used as entertainment and were often told orally because most people who created them could not read or write.

4 What is Greek mythology?
Greek Mythology refers to the myths that were created by people who originally lived in Greece. These people were polytheistic, which means that they worshiped many gods. The myths they created and told were about these gods. Each god represented a different phenomenon.

5 Greek Mythology Why do we still care about these myths if we no longer need the stories? Even though we no longer use the stories created by the Greeks to explain things like natural disasters and human emotions, they are still relevant today. Many Greek stories are very famous, meaning that many people know them and are familiar with them. In many of these stories there are messages and themes along with explanations for natural phenomena. It is these messages and themes that stick with us even to this day.

6 Mythology People often make allusions to Greek mythology, sometimes without even knowing that they’ve done it. What is an allusion? An allusion is an expression or reference designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. When you allude to something, you are referring to it indirectly and expecting that the person you are speaking to understands the reference. Let’s look at a few examples to try to make sense of this!

7 Allusions to Greek Mythology
Have you ever heard someone say, “your nose is growing” when they are talking to someone they think is lying to them? When they say, “your nose is growing” they don’t actually mean the other person’s nose is getting bigger. What they mean is that they think the person is telling a lie, but instead of saying that directly, they are alluding to the story of Pinocchio whose nose grew longer every time he told a lie. In making this allusion they are expecting the other person to have an understanding of both the story of Pinocchio and the allusion itself. Let’s look at a few more examples!

8 Allusions to Greek Mythology
Have you ever heard someone say, “slow and steady wins the race” when they are talking to someone who is rushing through something? When they say, “slow and steady wins the race” they don’t actually mean that they think the other person should try to race someone else and run really really slow while keeping good balance. What they do mean is that, no matter what you are doing, it is important to take your time and do your best. Rushing to get things done often ends with a poor result. Someone who makes this allusion is referring to the fable of the Rabbit and the Turtle. In making this allusion they are expecting the other person to have an understanding of both the fable and the allusion itself. Let’s look at one more example!

9 Allusions to Greek Mythology
Have you ever heard someone say that Earth is a Goldilocks planet? You may not have, but let’s use what we now know about allusions to try and figure it out! When they say, “Goldilocks planet” you should immediately notice the term, “Goldilocks” and understand that they are making an allusion to the story, Goldie Locks and the Three Bears. Then you should think about what you know about that story and Goldie Locks in general. In the story, Goldie Locks searches the bears’ house looking for things that are “just right”. Maybe this is what the person’s allusion is referring to… In fact, a Goldilocks planet is a planet that is neither too far away from, nor too close to a star, making it just right for sustaining life!

10 Allusions to Greek Mythology
In this unit, we are going to study many Greek myths as well as some allusions that refer to these myths. Understanding these allusions will help us to determine the meaning of some unfamiliar words and phrases when we read. This will help us to become better readers and even better writers!

11 Ancient Greece Polytheistic Allusion/Allude Mythology Phenomenon
What do you know about Greek Mythology? What is the meaning of the following words: Polytheistic Allusion/Allude Mythology Phenomenon

12 Ancient Greece Learn more about ancient Greece and the Greek gods and goddesses at Odyssey Online: Greece! Use this Discovery Education code to get to the website: TDA9C-4424

13 Ancient Greece

14 Greek Mythology Complete Character Trait Map for Odysseus. Place in the CWB when finished. 2. Take a Story Map from the counter and complete it. For the “Important Events” box, just list the important events in order; don’t worry about describing them. 3. When you finish the Story Map, flip your paper over and start working on the Summary! Be sure to indent and write in complete sentences. Place in the CWB when finished.

15 Greek Mythology Whisper-read “Dream of a Guinness Record” with your shoulder partner. 2. Highlight or underline all of the allusions you find in the story. 3. Choose two allusions and record their meanings on the back of your paper like this: 1. When ______ said allusion , she meant __________________. Example: When Sarah said “Chocolate is my Achilles Heel,” she meant that chocolate is her weakness and she can’t resist eating it.

16 Greek Hero Project Choose a hero from Greek mythology that you like best. Then choose an option from below for your project. Read the story about your hero, then start brainstorming your ideas using a Thinking Map: Write a letter to a hero explaining what they have accomplished to make them a hero and why you believe they are a hero. Write a letter to a film director explaining why a movie should be made about a particular hero. Write a letter to an author explaining why a book should be written about a particular hero. Write an interview with a hero. (e.g., newspaper reporter and Zeus, TV reporter and Jason) Write a letter to a video game developer explaining why your hero should be a character in a new game.

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