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Endometrial & Ovarian Cancer in Lynch Syndrome

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1 Endometrial & Ovarian Cancer in Lynch Syndrome
Henny Lukman Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


3 General Population Risk Syndrome Risk Mean age of onset
Cancer General Population Risk Syndrome Risk Mean age of onset 10 year survival (England & Wales) Endometrium 3% 40-60% 48-55 78% Ovarian 1.4% 10-20% 42-46 35% RCOG 2015

4 Screening ? Endometrial Cancer Ovarian cancer Evidence for screening
No (RCOG- part of research only) No difference in early stage pick up Symptoms Abnormal bleeding None in early stages, often vague Ultrasound Transvaginal Other tests Hysteroscopy, biopsy CA125 How often ?

5 Symptoms Endometrial cancer: abnormal bleeding
Ovarian cancer : very vague in early stages pain, bloating






11 Risk Reducing Surgery Key hole surgery Open surgery

12 Hormone Replacement Therapy
Recommended until the age of 50 Oestrogen only Most publicised risk only apply to women over 50.

13 >5 years since stopping Coronary heart disease
The evidence – NICE 2015 Per 1000 women <60 y.o. Baseline Current user >5 years since stopping Coronary heart disease UK over 7.5 years: 26.3 per 1000 1 E only --6 fewer E+P more E+P more Stroke UK over 7.5 years: 11.3 per 1000 E only --0 E only –1 more E+P more Breast cancer UK over 7.5 years: per 1000 E only --4 fewer E only --5 fewer E+P more Fragility fractures Baseline rate 69 per 1000 23 fewer No data Ovarian 1 more per 1000 after 5 years use Little difference between E alone or E+P Dementia


15 Risks that can be changed-Endometrial cancer
Increased body weight Combined oral contraceptive pill Low of physical activities Regular exercise Red meat Eat more vegetable (HRT) Coffee, tea (especially green) Contraceptive coil Aspirin

16 Risks that can be changed-Ovarian cancer
Smoking Breastfeeding more than 6 months ?have more pregnancies? Overweight Combined oral contraceptive pill Eat more vegetable



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