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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES (MICROSOFT ACCESS)"— Presentation transcript:


2 DATABASE OVERVIEW Databases contain data that are logically related.
Databases consists of tables. Tables consist of rows and column. Each column contain similar data , i.e., data of a single type. They are called fields. Each row contain data that are related, they are called records Example student records

3 Database overview

4 relational database model
A collection of related tables. Records in different table are connected through a common field. Primary key. A field or group of field that uniquely identifies each record in a table. Foreign key. A primary key in one table used as a field in a second table. Other models exist. Entity-Relationship model

5 relational database model

6 database management system
DBMS. A software program that lets you create databases and lets you manipulate the data they contain. For relational databases, we have the Relational Database Management System. RDBMS. Data is organized as a collection of tables. Enhances the creation, manipulation and reporting of data.

7 database management system
Examples of RDBMS. Microsoft Access. Oracle. MySQL. DB2.

8 RELATIONAL database management system
RDBMS provides the following functions. Allows the creation of databases containing fields, table and table relationship. Allows easy addition of new records, change field values of existing records, and deletion of records Contains built-in query language for manipulating data. Contains a built-in report generator, which lets you produce professional-looking, formatted reports from your data.

9 Steps in launching microsoft access
Click on start All programs Microsoft office Microsoft access 2010 navigate

10 Interface of microsoft access 2010

11 Create a database Name the database Click on create

12 Successful creation of database

13 a new blank table

14 Identifying program window element
Title bar Displays the name of the active database or by default the path to the folder where it is stored. It provides tools for managing a program and the program window Ribbons Below the title bar. Groups similar commands together Commands are displayed as buttons

15 Identifying program window element
Navigation pane. Displays all object in the database Tables Queries Forms Reports Left side of program window

16 Identifying program window element
Status bar. Located at the bottom of program window. Displays information about current database.


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