QFD Matrix.

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Presentation on theme: "QFD Matrix."— Presentation transcript:

1 QFD Matrix

2 QFD List all of the requirements for design (rows)
List all of the conceptual designs that you are considering (columns) Mark each entry in the table with a plus, minus or zero based on how that concept fares on that requirement Rate each concept Rank the concepts

3 College Design Requirements
Cost Major Housing Food Job Placement Reputation

4 Conceptual Designs Community College Cal State Univ Univ California
Private Univ Cost Major Housing Food Job Placement Reputation

5 Mark Each Entry Community College Cal State Univ Univ California
Private Univ Cost + - Major Housing Food Job Placement Reputation

6 Rate each concept Community College Cal State Univ Univ California
Private Univ Cost + - Major Housing Food Job Placement Reputation Rating -4 -2 +5 +4

7 Rank the Concepts Rank Concepts 1 Univ California +5 2 Private Univ +4
3 Cal State Univ -2 4 Community College -4

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