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Where does your food come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Where does your food come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where does your food come from?
The story behind the way America eats.

2 Animal Cruelty in the Food Industry
16 billion animals are killed for food in the United States every year. They are kept in grimy, disease ridden sheds with no fresh air, food or water. They are neglected, mutilated, and forced to take drugs that can cause extreme pain or crippling. On the way to the slaughterhouses, they are not given any food, water, or care. They are killed using electrical currents, drug induced heart attacks and seizures, and fatal blows to their brains. Slaughterhouse workers give animals no painkillers while they are being slaughtered. These slaughterhouses are terrible for the environment. The pollution that they give off can cause chronic illness and even brain cancer.

3 Why is this important? These animals that are being killed every day are not so different from the animals that we call pets. The biggest difference is that the animals that are killed for food have very little to no rights. So ask yourself: If it was my pet who was suffering from these cruel and unusual punishments, would I do something to stop it?

4 What Happens Next? So what does happen after some of these animals are killed, slaughtered, and sent away to be prepared as food? Over half of these animals are turned into the highly processed meals that we consume each day.

5 Processed Food Americans eat 946.4 pounds of food per year.
About 75 percent of that food is made up of highly processed materials. The products are ones that we all love like french fries, chicken nuggets, and hamburgers. 952,285 cows are turned into highly processed burgers per year!

6 Some shocking facts on processed food:
Everywhere you look We can find processed food nearly anywhere and for extremely cheap prices. Some shocking facts on processed food: Processed food never decays, a woman in Chicago bought a hamburger from McDonalds and two years later it still looked as “tasty” as it did the day she bought it. Your pets food could possibly be healthier than the food you buy that is processed. You would have to walk for seven hours straight to burn of a processed hamburger, french fries and a coke. Processed food breaks down the Endothelial tissues that line the blood vessels. This can become life threatening if not treated immediately, and is very hard to spot. Processed french fries are soaked in beef oils before being served to you.

7 Health Concerns This processed material that we are eating everyday may taste good, but they can do some nasty things to your health. Heart disease Heart attacks Extreme weight gain Childhood obesity Type 1 and 2 diabetes Just to name a few.

8 Do you want to lead a healthy lifestyle?
Take A Stand So do you believe that animals that are made into food deserve a good life just as the animals living in your house do? Do you want you and your family to eat REAL food instead of the highly processed items that are so easy to come by? Do you want to lead a healthy lifestyle? You can make a difference by encouraging healthy eating in your own home simply by reading the backs of food labels. If there are items named there that you are not familiar with, then don’t eat it. Make smart choices when it comes to eating out, and stand up for the animals that are being mistreated in the food industry. Take a stand.

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