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USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Omaha, NE September 16, 2016

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1 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Omaha, NE September 16, 2016
[no speaking]

2 Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada LCIF Chairperson
Introduction and Overview of LCIF Hello and welcome! It’s nice to be here with all of you fellow Lions, friends and LCIF Trustees. I know many of you in this room have worked with our Foundation over the years. Thank you very much. As the new chairperson for our foundation, I am eager to share with you some important information about LCIF. Today, we will discuss the following: Our foundation Our focus areas of this year Our programs And, most importantly, your role with LCIF (transition to “what comes to mind when you think of LCIF?”)

3 What comes to mind when you think of LCIF?
Before I begin, let me ask you a question. When you think of LCIF , what comes to your mind? (発言があるかどうか見回す) Yes… Some people say disaster relief Others say sight program Also, some say Lions Quest program The needs of people and communities are very different around the world. And that is why our foundation is so great– it offers so many solutions to diverse problems. LCIF has programs to help Lions work for very different needs. Today, we will review these programs and grants to help you become more familiar with LCIF, and to understand why you must encourage everyone to support LCIF. But, first, let’s share some basic information about LCIF. (Transition to LCIF at a Glance slide)

4 LCIF at a Glance Founded in official foundation of Lions Clubs International, giving support to clubs Provides grant funding for large-scale projects Relies on donations More than US$950 million in grants awarded to date LCIF seems very simple – we receive money as donations, and we give money as grants, give support to clubs doing service in communities and in the world. And, the results are life-changing for so many people. LCIF provides grants for large-scale projects that clubs can’t do alone. As a nonprofit organization, we rely 100% on donations from Lions and others. They donate to us because they share our mission. So, it is very important to promote LCIF’s mission and values. Since 1968, LCIF has given out more than US$950 million in grants! Please think about the millions of lives that Lions have changed through these grants. Our Foundation changes lives around the world. And it is through four areas of service… (Transition to next slide)

5 Sight Disaster Youth Humanitarian
The first area of service is, PROVIDING DISASTER RELIEF. LCIF provides support around the world, and we constantly receive more and more requests. The next area of service is SAVING SIGHT. Campaign SightFirst II was a huge success for LCIF. Thanks to that campaign, we are doing great service in this area, following our tradition. LCIF also helps Lions SUPPORT YOUTH in many ways. Our most important youth program is the Lions Quest program. Finally, LCIF helps Lions MEET HUMANITARIAN NEEDS in communities around the world. This includes global health issues, such as measles, diabetes prevention and education. We also support people with disabilities, and many other people in need. (Transition to measles slide) Youth Humanitarian

6 One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative
400 people still die every day from measles Lions provide physical support through social mobilization and advocacy Partnership with Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance will raise US$30 million for measles vaccinations by 2017 Today, I want to highlight our measles program, “One shot, one life. “ And most importantly – what YOU can do to support this program. I am sure you have heard about this terrible number: 400 people die every day from measles. Most of them are children. And even if they survive, they often have serious complications, including blindness. But we can prevent this, with just $1 for each child! That is why we partnered with Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance. We made a commitment to raise $30 million by our centennial. By doing so, we are helping families around the world to live healthy and productive lives. $30 million is a big amount of money. But, what if every Lions club donated 100 dollars per member to LCIF this year? We could raise US$140 million! Do you think donating $100 is too difficult for our Lions? For some members, yes, but for many of them, not at all! And, Lions can do more than giving money. Lions can also provide physical support for measles vaccination campaigns – we are in the communities in need – we can provide support around the world for vaccinations, through both donations and service. (transition to Erica)

7 Erica Prosser LCIF Development
Financial Goals & Fundraising

8 LCIF’s Financial Goals
US$50 million in for 50 year anniversary of LCIF There are many ways to provide support. But for us to continue our support, we need a fund. To secure our solid funding, we have certain financial goals each year. And in 2009, LCIF established its new Coordinator structure. In just a few years, LCIF Coordinators increased average donations to LCIF from 20 million to 30 million per year. This structure has worked so well, so the LCIF Board of Trustees approved a new goal: raising $50 million per year, by our 50th anniversary in 2017 – 2018. Now, you may be asking yourself : why do we need to increase our donations? (Transition to next slide.)

9 Case for Support 2015-2016 Grants vs. Funds Raised (figures in US$)
] ($5,746,211) Difference! The answer is simple. Because there is more demands for grants. As you can see in this graph, we approve more grants than our grant budget. We could do so, because we are managing donations well, and expenses are low. But we need more donations to keep up with the grant requests to support the great work of Lions. We have so much potential, but to realize the potential, we need your help. (transition to donations)

10 Donations from FY 2015-2016* June 30 *unaudited and figures in US$
$39.48 million 95% of goal Goal: $41.3 million $24.2 million Unrestricted $10.5 million restricted $4.6 million measles Last year, we raised US$39.48 million and reached 95% of our financial goal. We really appreciate the support. However, 94% of our members are not giving any individual gift. More than 50% of our clubs are not a part of this achievement. But together, we can change that. (transition to Trustee Jeny)

11 Donations by Constitutional Area
Total Donations Percentage of Clubs Donating Percentage of Individuals Donating Percentage of Goal I US$4,348,686.74 42.14% 1.54% 55% II US$426,082.90 40.24% 1.03% 56% III US$543,110.86 21.14% 0.81% 37% IV US$4,073,091.43 32.66% 0.28% 78% V US$26,044,327.21 71.22% 23.55% 113% VI US$2,231,119.00 20.92% 1.27% 70% VII US$854,705.63 48.68% 0.87% 120% Unassigned US$939,955.65 -- Currently, less than 50% of clubs give to LCIF. Only 6% of individual members give to LCIF. Excluding OSEAL, only 11,210 members gave to LCIF last year. The average personal donation is $328. ($19.90 if averaged using ALL members instead of donating members) The average club donation is $704. ($252 if averaged using ALL clubs instead of donating clubs) What do you think of these numbers? (transition to CA specific donations)

12 USA/Canada 2015-2016 Donations
Country Donations United States US$4,348,686 Canada US$426,082 Total US$4,774,768 Here you can see the breakdown of donations from US and Canada. Thank you for your generous support! (transition to how you can help)

13 How can you help build our Foundation?
Tell the LCIF story. Encourage individual giving. Increase club donations LCIF is our foundation. The foundation should be supported by all clubs and all members. So we must work to increase the participation percentage. As a Lion, what can you do? I ask you, please tell the LCIF Story. Tell how grants are making possible essential activities for clubs, and changing people’s lives. Please tell members that every dollar counts. Tell members how $20 can make a difference. Please help all Lions to understand that LCIF is our foundation – LCIF supports Lions to grow, and Lions are in charge of making LCIF grow. As a top leader in your area, you are in charge of LCIF as well. So when you have speaking opportunities, please also talk about LCIF. Please do not forget. This is our Foundation. And if we all do what we can, we will have a great year. Now, I am going to ask KaSondra Byrd, manager of humanitarian programs, to give you more details. (Transition to KaSondra)

14 KaSondra Byrd Manager, Humanitarian Programs
Initiatives & Grants

15 International Assistance
Types of Grants Types of LCIF Grants Standard Core 4 International Assistance Emergency Major Catastrophe SightFirst As you can see, the foundation’s grants are grouped into six categories. How many of you have been involved with a LCIF grant? (Lions raise hands) Well, then some of you know already the great things we accomplish through the Foundation. Let’s go into some detail about our grant programs and how to apply. (Transition to SightFirst Grants)

16 SightFirst Grants Focus on the major causes of blindness
Reach underserved populations Funds sustainable projects that: Deliver eye care services Develop infrastructure Train personnel and/or provide rehabilitation Here is a bit more detail about SightFirst grants and the criteria for these applications. We continue to target underserved populations to deliver comprehensive eye care services. I would also point out that there are regional technical advisors and SightFirst district chairpersons that are trained to assist your districts in developing SightFirst applications. (Transition to Standard Grants)

17 Standard Grants Broadest category of LCIF funding
Matching funds between US$10,000 and US$100,000 Support large scale Lions projects (equipment or construction - no operating costs) Lions identify/develop projects Provides local impact and community visibility This is our most popular grant category, with funds available from US10,000 up to US$100,000. These new funding amounts are effective towards grant applications submitted July 1, 2014 and later. Let me give you a few examples of what past standard grants have provided: Vision screening equipment to expand Lions screening activities for youth in the United States (see photos above) A playground for disabled children at a school in Minnesota MRI equipment for a local hospital in Canada Leader dog kennel expansion in Michigan (seen in this photo) Construction of a development center for children with special needs in Canada. And countless other humanitarian efforts that give hope to people in need. (Transition to Core 4 Grants)

18 Core 4 Grants Preserving Sight Promoting Health Serving Youth
Support special initiatives under the four primary service commitments of Lions: Grants are given on a 3-to-1 matching basis in most instances (25% local funding), up to US$200,000 Lions Quest grants are under ‘Serving Youth’ for up to US$100,000 Preserving Sight Promoting Health Serving Youth Combating Disability There are special priority projects under the Core 4 grant program: preserving sight, promoting health, serving youth and combating disability. For example, Lions Quest is a popular grant activity as the foundation helps districts to implement the program in schools by providing matching funds for teacher training workshops and student materials. You will hear more about Lions Quest from the manager of the program later in the presentation. (Transition to International Assistance Grants)

19 International Assistance Grants (IAG)
Support for international projects Lions clubs in at least two countries must partner – one developed and one lesser developed Sponsor club/district fundraise and apply for grant Host club helps implement Supports club twinning projects; US$5,000 to US$30,000 (one per district) Through the International Assistance Grant program, the foundation has provided for water wells, medical missions and eyeglass recycling. Lions in two countries partner, and the sponsoring club fundraises and applies for the grant. The host club then helps implement the project. The Philippines and Mexico are popular project sites for IAG missions and projects. (Transition to Disaster Grants)

20 Disaster Grants Emergency Grants: Provide up to US$10,000 for districts impacted by natural disaster. Major Catastrophe Grants: Awarded for long-term rebuilding efforts after catastrophic disasters Disaster Preparedness Grants: Support natural disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts Many of you probably already know our emergency grant program for natural disasters. Emergency grant funds can be used to purchase and distribute immediate relief supplies. Major Catastrophe grants are awarded for long-term rebuilding efforts after catastrophic disasters. And Disaster Preparedness grants support natural disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts. Perhaps the most relevant of these is the Emergency grant. Some key points to remember about emergency grants are: Natural disaster and affecting 100 or more people Lions must be involved in the relief efforts; grants are not given so that the funds can be given to another organization Request should be made as soon as possible by the district governor and within 30 days of the disaster. Sometimes, given the scope, we will even contact you. Funds must be spent within 60 days. One grant per disaster, per district. Please submit a final report on how the funds were used. (Transition to Tips for Grant Applications)

21 Tips for Grant Applications
Encourage Lions to contact LCIF staff and area coordinators before applying No funding for completed projects Lions financial contributions and involvement required Project must be large-scale with clearly defined objectives Income and expense budget is required Submit application in its entirety before deadline Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when you are preparing your grant application. (transition to grants)

22 LCIF Grants The results of these grants are tremendous. It is easy for us to say we awarded more than US$45 million in grants this past year and more than three-quarters of a billion dollars in grants throughout our history. But, it is really about the individual lives that are being changed because of what you are doing with support from our foundation. And LCIF is hard at work here in the United States and Canada. (Transition to US/Canada grants) During the year, LCIF awarded 453 grants totaling more than US$45.2 million

23 USA/Canada grants 2015-2016 US grants – 79 totaling US$2,829,305
Canada grants: 13 totaling US$612,809 Last year, LCIF awarded 92 grants to the United States and Canada totaling US$3,442,114. These include a variety of LCIF grant types. (Transition to next slide)

24 USA/Canada – Ongoing MCAT grant activities
2016 Alberta Wildfires, Canada (US$100,000 MCAT grant) 2013 Oklahoma Tornados, USA (US$100,000 MCAT grant) 2012 Hurricane Sandy, USA (US$100,000 MCAT grant) Listed here are some of the major catastrophe grant projects still underway in our Constitutional Areas I and II. These are long-term activities directed at reconstruction and community restoration. At this time, I’d like to share with you a video about LCIF. (Transition to video)

25 LCIF: Serving Lions, Serving the World
(LCIF DGE video from 2016)

26 Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada LCIF Chairperson
Concluding Remarks OK, thank you, KaSondra. I know we have covered a lot of information today. I have just a few closing remarks. (Transition to next slide)

27 Bring our International Foundation to Lions
As a leader, bring LCIF to Lions around the world: Stay informed about LCIF programs and initiatives Educate Lions about LCIF Promote the work of LCIF in your communities and around the world during visits to districts and clubs Thank clubs and districts for their donations to LCIF and encourage further giving I would like to ask you once again to talk about LCIF to your members. And please thank Lions for their support of LCIF, at every opportunity. (transition to concluding slide)

28 (transition to Q&A slide)
Enriching Lives WE ARE COMPASSIONATE AND CARING - enriching lives in communities all over the world! Thank you very much for your time today, and thank you for your support. I am looking forward to working with you this year. (transition to Q&A slide)

29 Question & Answer Session
質疑応答(レベッカから)Q & A


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