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Secondary Behavior Specialist

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1 Secondary Behavior Specialist
BEYOND THE CRISIS PLAN Nancy Noble Secondary Behavior Specialist Support Unit East

2 Universal Selected (All Students) Response to Traumatic Event
Increase level of support and encouragement, Designate an adult who can provide additional support. Create a plan for child’s return to school. Adapted from: Sprague & Walker, 2004 Targeted/ Intensive (High-risk students) Individual Interventions (3-5%) Be aware of both the children who act out AND the quiet ones who don’t appear to have behavioral problems. Raise the awareness of school staff and personnel. Modify teaching strategies Support Families Make referrals Selected Individual student or small group Experience (10-15% of students) School Wide PBS-Use of the Discpline Policy Maintain usual routines Provide a safe place for children to talk about what happened. Set aside time and place. Let them know if it can’t be right now. Give simple and realistic answers about the traumatic events. Universal (All Students) Response to Traumatic Event School-wide Systems of Support (85-90% of students)

3 CREATING A PLAN Who will greet the child when they return to school?
What teaching strategies and accommodations to academic work? Who will provide social skills training and coping skills? (think additional Second Step) Who will be the liaison with the family to build trust and coordinate the relationship among teachers, the principal, counselor and other appropriate personnel?

4 Child Returns: ____________________ Greeter:_________________________
Check in/out person:_______________ Parent Liaison:____________________ Teaching Strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. Social/ Coping Skills Needed Who will teach them? _________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Who needs to know and who will be responsible for this information sharing? Person responsible:____________ 1. 2. 3. Form created by Nancy Noble, November 2009

5 When the plan fails PLAN
Who will be called from your staff? ProAct or NCI trained staff (trained in crisis de-escalation) Who will contact the SMART team, local district operations? Who will contact the parent? Who will make sure that all children are safe?

3. 4. CHILDREN SAFETY Code for school: _______________ WHO WILL MONITER CLASS ____________ DESIGNATED CALLER SMART Team 2. LD 4 Operations 3. Parent Form created by Nancy Noble, November 2009

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