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Animal Behaviors By Ryan Schoenthaler.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behaviors By Ryan Schoenthaler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behaviors By Ryan Schoenthaler

2 There are 10 main animal behaviors
There are 10 main animal behaviors. The 10 are adaptation, camouflage, hibernation, dormancy, migration, regeneration, territoriality, innate, learned, and courtship.

3 adaptation Adaptation is when animals change to their environments. Like when a dog sheds his fur in the summer to deal with the increase in heat.

4 camouflage Camouflage is when animals blend In to their environment to help them catch their prey or stop from being eaten. A good example is in the winter some rabbits will change their fur to white to help them blend in with the snow.

5 hibernation Hibernation is when animals sleep for long periods of time to deal with a lack of resources. Like in the winter bears hibernate to deal with the lack of food.

6 dormancy Dormancy is when plants sleep to deal with lack of resources. Like when in the winter trees lose their leaves to help them stay alive in the time with lack of water.

7 migration Migration is when animals move across long distances to mate, find more food, or find warmer temperatures. Like geese fly south for the winter along with butterflies, whales, and other animals.

8 regeneration Regeneration is when animals can grow back certain body parts that they lose. Like when a lizard loses his tail it can grow back.

9 territoriality Territoriality is how an animal marks that it owns this area. Like dogs and other animals pee to mark the territory, or humans putting up fences around their yards or houses.

10 innate Innate behaviors are behaviors that they know from the minute they are born and aren't needed to be taught. Like when babies are born the know how to breathe and cry already.

11 learned Learned behaviors are things that need to be taught to them. Like humans need to be taught how to walk and talk.

12 courtship Courtship is when animals try to catch the attention of another. Human will flirt or try to show off what they have, while animals will fight to show their dominance or strength.

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