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Accept or Reject the HUP? Exponential 2012 Mark DeYmaz

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Presentation on theme: "Accept or Reject the HUP? Exponential 2012 Mark DeYmaz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accept or Reject the HUP? Exponential 2012 Mark DeYmaz

2 Demographic Shifts Have Brought Change to America
By 2042, 1 in 2 people will not be white, the US will become a Majority-Minority nation. 48.3% of children 5u are minorities, compared to 19% of people over 65. 1 in 7 marriages are interracial, 6x the intermarriage rate of 1960.

3 The Future Is Now! Pastors and Church planters can no longer afford to ignore the implications for their own ministry or for the people they seek to influence in the future. Failure to recognize the changing landscape or to adapt in accordance with Scripture may soon render their work, or worse yet their message, irrelevant.

4 Why? In an increasingly diverse and cynical society, people will no longer find credible a message of God’s love for all people when it’s preached from unnecessarily segregated congregations.

5 on earth as it is in heaven.”
Jesus Taught Us To Pray… “ … Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

6 If the kingdom of heaven
is not segregated … … then why on earth is the church?

7 Just the Facts 92 1/2 % of churches in the US are racially segregated (with 80% or more of the congregation comprised of a single race or ethnic group). Churches are 10x more segregated than the neighborhoods they’re in … 20x more segregated than nearby public schools. Research of Dr. Michael Emerson

8 Surely It Breaks … … the heart of God that so many of our churches are segregated along ethnic and economic lines, and that little has changed in the more than 100 years since it was first observed that 11am on Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week.

9 More Than That … It’s a Credibility Problem
Between 1990 and 2009, population in the US grew by more than 56 million people (56,819,471) … Yet church attendance grew by only 446,540 people (just over 7%) in that same time frame. Research of David T. Olson The American Church Research Project

10 © 2010 by David T. Olson

11 © 2010 by David T. Olson

12 © 2010 by David T. Olson

13 The NT Church Was Multi-Ethnic!
Envisioned by Christ John 17:20-23 Described By Luke Acts 11:19-26; 13:1 Prescribed by Paul Ephesians

14 Misapplication of the HUP It’s what’s led us here!
This e-Book available at

15 McGavran’s Concern … … from the beginning was international, cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship of the nations; it was not the building of large churches full of people who look just like you, whoever “you” are.

16 McGavran’s Take? “Do, I beg of you, think of it primarily as a missionary and an evangelistic principle.” From a letter written by Donald McGavran (spring 1978) to Martin Marty, in response to Marty’s article, Is the Homogeneous Unit Principle Biblical?

17 Advocating Full Brotherhood
There is danger, of course, that congregations (applying the HUP) become exclusive, arrogant, and racist. That danger must be resolutely combated.” From a letter written by Donald McGavran (spring 1978) to Martin Marty, in response to Marty’s article, Is the Homogeneous Unit Principle Biblical?





22 The Perfection of Unity: A Corporate Reflection*
Our Kind Only press on to maturity Revelation 7:9 Ask, “Where is our church on the continuum?” What do we understand theologically? What do we believe philosophically? 2. Ask, “What is the next logical step or two our church can take to move forward in pursuit of Ethnic Blends?” a. What should we do practically? b. How/When can we do it realistically? *For examples of varying stages on the continuum, see Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church, pp

23 The Coming Integration
“As the power center of (global) Christianity moves south and east, the multi-ethnic church is becoming the normal and natural face of Christianity.” David T. Olson The American Church in Crisis

24 I believe it is more true that God is using race to heal the church.”
What God Is Doing “I have become convinced that God is not very interested in the church healing the race problem. I believe it is more true that God is using race to heal the church.” Chris Rice More Than Equals

25 Released in 2010 by Zondervan &
RESOURCES “The #1 book for those interested in the issue.” Outreach Magazine May/June 2008 Released in 2010 by Zondervan & Leadership Network!

26 Should Pastors Accept or Reject the HUP?
This e-Book available at

27 Catalyzing the movement toward multi-ethnic churches in North America and around the world for the sake of the Gospel. Become a Member Today!

28 Contact Points Mark DeYmaz Mosaic Church Mosaix Global Network Glue
Little Rock, AR Mosaix Global Network Glue

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