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Sept Bell Ringer

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1 Sept. 12-13 Bell Ringer
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? Sept Bell Ringer Think, Pair, Share Pick up your guided notes by the pencil sharpener. With your partner, answer this question: How was the social hierarchy set up in Ancient Egypt & how was it different from Mesopotamia?

2 Let’s make a foldable to have a chart of the Three Kingdoms!
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? Let’s make a foldable to have a chart of the Three Kingdoms! The left side we will label Old Kingdom. The middle we will label Middle Kingdom. The right side we will label New Kingdom. In this chart, we will write down the contributions of each! Interactive map of the Three Kingdoms of Egypt (connectEd) Insert a map of your country.

3 --Menes role led to the beginning of ancient Egypt’s power and wealth.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? 3100 BC to 332 BC a series of 30 dynasties ruled Egypt—these dynasties are organized into 3 time periods—Old, Middle, & New Kingdoms—in all 3 Egypt was united under a single ruler and enjoyed stable government. Namar aka Menes—king of Upper Egypt who unified the kingdoms—for the 1st time all of Egypt ruled by one king. New capital at Memphis. --Menes role led to the beginning of ancient Egypt’s power and wealth. Dynasties-the right to rule was passed down from father to son to grandson, are what made the kingdoms last so long. Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country. Class Campfire-According to the map, which time period had the greatest success? Why do you think this was the case?

4 Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? Old Kingdom 2600 BC-2200 BC -- Built magnificent cities & increased trade --Pharaohs- “great house” referred to the king’s palace. Eventually became name of ruler. --Theocracy-ruler is both political & religious leader —ancient Egyptians believed the pharaohs were the son of Re, the Egyptian sun god—believed the pharaohs were gods on Earth. Pharaoh Khufu—ruled Egypt during the Old Kingdom 2540 BC—Khufu had built the biggest and grandest of the pyramids—the Great Pyramid—can still see it today in Giza—for more than 4,000 years it stood as the tallest structure in the world! Khufu’s role—led to Egypt wanting to leave their mark on the world forever Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country. Class Campfire-What role did Pharaoh Khufu have on the Old Kingdom?

5 Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? The Golden Age—the Middle Kingdom 2055 BC-1650 BC 2200 BC—ruling pharaohs in Memphis began to weaken which led to disorder until a new dynasty of pharaohs came to power. Moved the capital to Thebes Egypt expanded during this time to hold even greater territory—gaining control of Nubia in the south. Improvements—added thousands of acres of land, more irrigation dams/channels, canal construction, new kind of architecture—no longer had pyramids built—had their tombs cut into limestone cliffs west of the Nile River—the Valley of the Kings The Hyksos—1600s BC civil war erupted—these people from western Asia invaded Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country. Class Campfire-Why was this the Golden Age of Egypt?

6 The Hyksos—more than 100 years controlled Egypt
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? The Hyksos—more than 100 years controlled Egypt Hated by the Egyptians—who planned to overthrow them—Egyptians used the Hyksos own tools against them. Learned how to steer the Hyksos horse-drawn chariots and Hyksos weapons. During this time, an Egyptian prince, Ahmose—formed an army and drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. Ahmose—founded a new dynasty—the New Kingdom Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline. Class Campfire-Why were the Hyksos able to take over the Egyptians during the Middle Kingdom?

7 Insert a picture illustrating a custom or tradition here.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? The New Kingdom 1550 BC-1070 BC The height of Egypt’s power during this time period Hatshepsut—a woman pharaoh—few to rule Egypt on her own. Became pharaoh after her husband’s death—dressed in men’s clothing to prove she could rule—built magnificent temples & restored old monuments— Hatshepsut’s interest—laid in trade not war—rebuilt trade routes that had been destroyed during the Hyksos—developed political ties among other civilizations Exchanged envoys—representatives to other countries—first time ever in history that other nations worked together—today we have ambassadors that do the same in other countries. The empire expanded even further during this time period into Mesopotamia and Nubia Insert a picture illustrating a custom or tradition here.

8 Insert a picture of the head leader of your country.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? King Tut (Tutankhamen) –ruled during the New Kingdom 10 years old became pharaoh Restored the worship of many deities-gods and goddesses Rule ended 9 years later—his death is one of the greatest mysteries of history Small role—is the most famous of the pharaohs—British archeologist Howard Carter discovered King Tut’s tomb in 1922-amazing because most tombs have been raided by thieves—King Tut’s tomb contained his mummy and many treasures including a brilliant gold mask of the young ruler’s face—King Tut is on the cover of your Social Studies book! Insert a picture of the head leader of your country.

9 Ramses the Great (The New Kingdom)
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? Ramses the Great (The New Kingdom) Ramses II aka Ramses the Great—ruled from 1279 BC-1213 BC Conquered the region of Canaan and moved into Syria Fought the Hittites 66 year reign-Ramses devoted his rule to peace—built Karnak temple in Thebes Death—Egypt declined and by 1150 BC Egypt only controlled the Nile delta—900s BC Libyans conquered Egypt—Kush took power—620 BC Assyrians gained control over Egyt Insert a picture that illustrates some part of your country’s economy.

10 Insert a picture of one of the points of interest for your country.
6.20 Can you identify the roles of Menes, Khufu, the Hyksos, Ahmose, King Tut, Hatshepsut, and Ramses the Great and relate these to the three Kingdom periods of ancient Egypt? Class Campfire Let’s reflect on what we have learned about these different groups of people and rulers of Egypt. How did their roles impact the different periods of Egypt? Who do you believe had the greatest rule? Why did Egypt decline after the death of Ramses the Great? Insert a picture of one of the points of interest for your country. Exit Ticket—On your foldable, that has been divided into the 3 Kingdoms, identify the role of at least one ruler for each time period and at least one contribution they had on ancient Egypt.

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