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Etiology: S. typhimurium most important

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Presentation on theme: "Etiology: S. typhimurium most important"— Presentation transcript:

1 Etiology: S. typhimurium most important

2 Fowl paratyphoid is an acute or chronic disease in domestic fowl and many other avian or mammalian species, caused by some motile Salmonella serotypes that are not host- specific. The highest morbidity and death rates are usually observed during the first 2 weeks after hatching.

3 The infection of small chickens occurs by penetration of microorganisms into the egg after faecal contamination. The transmission of agents could be done also by a contaminated source of animal protein (meat and bone meal etc.). The rodents are a significant reservoir of paratyphoid microorganisms. transmission

4 Diarrhea, dehydration and pasted down appearance around the vent are observed.
Clinical signs

5 In different species of birds: similar to acute septicemia lesions of pullorum and typhoid.
In pigeons: brain, bone, and gonads often involved. S. enteritis's can cause septicemia lesions in chicks. Gross lesion

6 The treatment inhibits but does not eradicate the infection
The treatment inhibits but does not eradicate the infection. The appropriate treatment minimizes the death rate until the birds develop immunity. treatment

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13 in turkey poults and caused by S. arizonae
in turkey poults and caused by S. arizonae. Caused by the bacterium Arizona, renamed Salmonella Arizonae. It affects turkeys, mainly in North America, and is not present in the UK turkey population. Mortality is 10-50% in young birds, older birds are asymptomatic carriers. Transmission is vertical, trans-ovarian, and also horizontal, through fecal contamination of environment, feed etc, from long-term intestinal carriers, rodents, reptiles. Arizonosis

14 Diarrhea, Nervous signs (paralysis and twisted neck) beside pasty vent
Diarrhea, Nervous signs (paralysis and twisted neck) beside pasty vent. The diseased bird site on their hocks and huddle together. Paralysis, Blindness, cloudiness in eye, Huddling near heat. Clinical Signs:

15 Septicemia lesions, meningitis and ophthalmitis, Caseated material in abdominal cavity, Enlarged liver with necrotic foci, Unabsorbed yolk sac, Congestion of duodenum, Cheesy plugs in intestine or caecum, Foci in lungs, Salpingitis, Pericarditis, Peri-hepatitis. Lesions:

16 Treatment Injection of streptomycin, spectinomycin, or gentamycin at the hatchery is used in some countries. Formerly in-feed medication with nitrofurans was also used.

17 Prevention Eradicate from breeder population, fumigation of hatching eggs, good nest and hatchery hygiene, inject eggs or poults with antibiotics, monitor sensitivity.

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