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Presented by: Wendy Landwehr Alison Bergmann Maureen Masiulis

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1 Presented by: Wendy Landwehr Alison Bergmann Maureen Masiulis
SWE Mission Awards Presented by: Wendy Landwehr Alison Bergmann Maureen Masiulis

2 New Mission Awards Goals
The Society is evolving and the section awards format has remained the same for many years The following Goals that were considered in coming up with the proposal for the new awards The awards need to support the mission of SWE The awards need to be in line with the strategic goals of SWE These Awards need to be more inclusive to all “groups” of SWE members: Sections Affinity groups MALs ERGs Or just a group of SWE members having an activity that supports the mission of SWE The awards need to be easier to apply for

3 Mission Award Introduction Maureen Masiulis

4 New “SWE Mission Award”
This award replaces The following Professional & Collegiate section awards Professional Development Outreach Membership Communication Outstanding Collegiate Section Retain Current and New Company Sponsored Awards Multicultural Awards Collegiate Outreach Award (NEW)

5 SWE Mission Awards Objective
These awards recognize SWE groups that embody SWE core values and demonstrate continuous improvement and growth as they work to achieve the Society’s strategic goals.

6 SWE Mission Awards SWE Core Values Integrity Inclusive Environment
Mutual Support Professional Excellence Trust

7 SWE Mission Awards SWE Strategic Goals
SWE will develop women engineers at all stages of their personal and professional lives. SWE will be recognized as a global, inclusive organization, promoting diversity and inclusion and serving women engineers wherever they are. SWE will advocate for the inclusion and success of women, present and prospective, in engineering and technology.

8 SWE Mission Awards Any “SWE Group” may apply for the Mission Awards “SWE Group” is defined as any group of Collegiate or Professional SWE members that support the SWE mission. This can include a SWE Section, SWE Affiliate, SWE Members At Large, Affinity group, Corporate Employee Resource Group (ERG), or other group of SWE members Eligibility To be eligible for any of the SWE Mission awards the SWE Group Point of Contact (POC) must be an SWE member in good standing.

9 Package Submission Requirements
Nomination Form Name of Group Description of your group (Section, Affiliate etc) Total number of members Number of active members Number of Professional Members Number of Collegiate Members Link to social media site (FB Page, Website) or screen shots in PDF file if the page is not public Contact information for the individual submitting the package Award Form *To be used by Awards Committee to create judging pools of similar group types and sizes

10 Award Form Background New Award Form Spreadsheet
Easier to fill out Less reading for judges One form for multiple awards Award Form Created from Best Practices from past awards Society Strategic Goals

11 Award Form Categories Mentoring Professional Development
SWE Leadership Development Strategic Goal #1: SWE will develop women engineers at all stages of their personal and professional lives. Communication Membership Retention & Engagement Partnerships with Collegiate, Industry, and Academia Global SWE Strategic Goal #2: SWE will be recognized as a global, inclusive organization, promoting diversity and inclusion and serving women engineers wherever they are. Outreach Public Policy SWE Resource Promotion Awards & Recognition SWE Strategic Goal #3: SWE will advocate for the inclusion and success of women, present and prospective, in engineering and technology.

12 Awards to be given Mission Award Best Practice Awards
Given to a “SWE group” Gold, Sliver Bronze level awards Based on entire submitted package Best Practice Awards Awards given for every strategic goal category Based on the “Key Activity” entry for each strategic goal category

13 Mission Awards Judging Guidelines
From the Mission awards nomination form. Section points Section 2 – has 11 categories at 10 points each = 110 points Total of 130 point maximum How Award levels will be determined.  Bronze Award requires activities in 5 or more categories, where each strategic goal must have at least one activity entered. 50 to < 70 points earned Silver Award requires activities in 7 or more categories, where each strategic goal must have at least one activity entered. 70 to < 90 points earned Gold Award requires activities in 8 or more categories, where each strategic goal must have at least one activity entered. > 90 points earned

14 Best Practice Award Determined from each category Key activity entry in the Mission Awards form A total of 3 awards per category will be awarded for Professionals and Collegiates each.

15 How to apply Alison Bergmann

16 Submission process Fill out the nomination form in Smarter select
Enter the link to your groups website. NOTE: If the website is not visible to the public you will be able to provide 5 website screen shots in a PDF File. A single nomination package enters you for consideration for both the general SWE Mission Awards (Gold, Silver or Bronze consideration) and SWE Mission Best Practices Awards. Form:

17 Nomination form

18 Nomination form

19 Nomination form

20 Award Form Example Section 1
Section 1 Describe how your group embodies SWE Core Values of Integrity, Inclusive Environment, Mutual Support, and Professional Excellence and Trust. (300 Words Max)

21 Award Form Example Section 2
Category Highlight General Award Form Description Highlight Choose the best activity for the category Provide a detailed description of the activities and the impact on the section (250 words max) General List 1-3 more activities that pertain to the specific strategic goal (30 words max)

22 Best Practice Awards Use Key Activity
Key activities will be collected from all submitted packages to create data for judging pool Judges will review each activity and select top activities that best support the following: Partnerships between: Collegiate, Professional, Industry, Academia, Other Organizations Professional Development Outreach Membership Retention & Engagement Communication Techniques Global Diversity & Inclusion SWE Leadership Development & Sustainment (Mentoring, Pipeline management) SWE Resource promotion Award & Recognition Public Policy

23 Activity Description Guidelines (all activities)
For each activity identified keep in mind to highlight the following: An overview and overall goals/objectives of the activity Alignment of the activity to the goals of the group and SWE Tangible measurements demonstrating the effectiveness of the activity Participation (Planning, Event Participants, Event Volunteers, Follow-up) Unique and/or innovative aspects of the activity conduct, planning or communication Partnerships between other groups (broader SWE community, corporations, STEM organizations, local schools, collegiate and professional members)

24 Things to consider relative to each Goal category Strategic Goal # 1
Professional Development An event can be a single professional development meeting, workshop, a one-day seminar with a variety of workshops, or a series comprised of at least two events that have a common theme SWE Leadership Development & Mentoring Provide example of any ongoing participant tracking, goals vs achievements of the program or number of individuals participating.   Describe any review process and frequency of reviews, if any Provide metrics around satisfaction with the program/event Describe achievements in leadership development and sustainment Participation rates in the program. (i.e. % of section/group leadership, % of membership, % of pipeline or mentoring participants actively participating or achieving individual goals.) Number of participants and their roles (attendees, mentors, mentees, organizers, etc.) If ongoing program, number of total events and dates

25 Things to consider relative to each Goal category Strategic Goal # 2
Communication Communications program to inform and develop its members and the general public Forms of communications considered for this award include (but are not limited to) brochures, web pages, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, social media, press releases Include examples of positive visibility for SWE Membership Retention & Engagement Overview of recruitment, retention, engagement activities your group uses Tangible measurements include: Sustained Members, Dropped Members, Engaged Members, Collegiate to Professional Transitioned Members, and Growth Global Do any of your events reach out globally Diversity & Inclusion Multicultural events

26 Things to consider relative to each Goal category Strategic Goal # 2
Partnerships between Collegiate, Professional, Industry, Academia, Other Organizations What activities did you hold where you partnered with another organization Describe the effectiveness of achieving goals Did your group sponsor/lead, co-lead or participate Is this an ongoing relationship or single event Describe how you initiated the relationship/partnership Describe how you defined the stakeholders

27 Things to consider relative to each Goal category Strategic Goal # 3
Outreach Age group of students SWE Next promotion or resources used Was SWE Outreach Toolkit used Number of participants Public Policy STEM promotion within the community Local, state and/or federal government activities Promoting STEM in local schools

28 Things to consider relative to each Goal category Strategic Goal # 3
SWE Resource promotion Use of Outreach Toolkit Use of Program Development Grant SWE Webinar Participation Use of Leadership Competency Model Use of SWE Career Center Award & Recognition Does your group have an awards program Does your group submit its members for awards outside of your group

29 Wrap up and Questions Wendy Landwehr

30 Summarize Eligibility To be eligible for any of the SWE Mission awards the SWE Group Point of Contact (POC) must be an SWE member in good standing. Recognition Nominees that demonstrate alignment with SWE core values and continuous improvement and growth, as they work to achieve the Society’s strategic goals, will be awarded Gold, Silver, or Bronze for their overall achievements. In addition, nominees will receive Best Practice awards for outstanding actions or activities in a specific goal area(s) that best support SWE core values and strategic goals

31 Submit your package Nominators, follow these steps to successfully complete a nomination package: Collect all items needed for the ‘Nomination Form’ and fill out form Fill out the ‘Mission Awards Form’ found online at: Submit the application online by the last working day of June which is the end of the SWE fiscal year (Friday, June 30). Packages must be received by 11:59 PM, Central Time. No exceptions will be made for late packages. NOTE: A single nomination package enters you for consideration for both the General SWE Mission Awards (Gold, Silver or Bronze consideration) and SWE Mission Best Practices Awards.

32 SWE Mission Awards QUESTIONS?

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