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Why do Boundaries Cause Problems?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do Boundaries Cause Problems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do Boundaries Cause Problems?
Shapes of States

2 Good & Bad Large Country Small Country
More potential resources and greater industrial base, difficult to defend borders Small Country Lack resources but less area to defend Microstates- smallest states Ex: Vatican City

3 5 Basic Shapes of States 1. Compact State- the distance from the center to any boundary doesn’t vary too much (equidistant) Good: Communication Smaller, Boundaries to defend Bad: lack resources

4 5 Basic Shapes of States 2. Prorupted States- otherwise compact but with a large projecting extension Good: usually has access to raw material because of proruption, trade opportunity Bad: hard to defend and fiercely fought over

5 5 Basic Shapes of States 3. Elongated States- long and narrow shape
Good: Easy transportation of raw material to industrial centers Bad: May suffer from poor communication, ends of country may feel isolated leading to separatist movements

6 5 Basic Shapes of States 4. Fragmented States- several discontinuous pieces of territory Good: Hard for another country to occupy or control your country Bad: Communication and Transportation bad.

7 5 Basic Shapes of States 5. Perforated States- A state that completely surrounds another one. State on the inside must almost completely rely on the surrounding state. Good: Ethnic group has its own country Bad: May get in way of transportation and communication (Ex: Telephone, railroad, highways) Lesotho would be a landlocked state and an enclave

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