Charlton Horethorne Church of England Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Charlton Horethorne Church of England Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlton Horethorne Church of England Primary School
Our vision is to create an outstanding, values led, Christian school.

2 Creating the team around
Priority One Creating the ethos of our school by agreeing our values, vision and mission Priority Two Creating the team around the children A three year plan to create an outstanding, values led, Christian school Priority Three Creating an exciting and challenging values led curriculum for every learner

3 Priority One Creating the ethos of our school by agreeing our values, mission and vision Values Mission Vision Planned Impact: All stakeholders would have a clear understanding of what drives our school and the religious character of our school would be both implicit and explicit in all we do. Everyone would know how we work and learn together.

4 Our New Mission Statement
At Charlton Horethorne our mission is to nurture, develop and educate our children in a happy, secure, caring Christian community.

5 Our School Aims We aim that the children in our care grow to enjoy learning and become independent, self-disciplined and self-motivated and to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable. To develop children who are: • determined to be the best they can be by being learners with lively, enquiring, imaginative and creative minds. • concerned for the quality of their immediate environment and understand the world in which they live. • capable of keeping themselves safe, healthy and active. • able to develop and act on a personal set of moral values, beliefs and attitudes founded on Christian principles. • able to recognise and value a sense of right and wrong.

6 Our School Aims In addition we will strive to ensure that each child develops: • their self-esteem and an awareness of the unique value of every individual. • an awareness and appreciation of human achievements and aspirations, in our own and other societies. • an understanding of and respect for religious and moral values, an appreciation and tolerance of other groups, races, ways of life and points of view.

7 Creating the best possible team around the children
Priority Two Creating the best possible team around the children Governors The Staff Parents The Wider Community

8 Maximising the Home School Partnership
Trust and support Be an active participant Be informed You will know that we value, nurture and challenge your child and that you, as parents, will be informed and supported by us in your role as the primary educator.

9 Extension into the wider community
Wider and more varied experiences for the children Shared knowledge and expertise Mutual support and challenge The Tower Learning Community

10 Priority Three Where the religious character of our school is embedded Which offers opportunities for out of school learning Creating an exciting, challenging values led curriculum for every learner Where outstanding pupil progress and achievement is a whole school expectation Which meets the needs of all learners Planned Impact: A curriculum which engages the children the in process of learning. They will attain high standards, make outstanding progress and understand and implement methods for taking ownership of their learning. Crucially the children will have a set of values by which to live their life and be well rounded, caring members of our society.

11 Charlton Horethorne Church of England Primary School
An outstanding, values led, Christian school.

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