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Presentation on theme: "CULTURE IN THE MIDDLE EAST"— Presentation transcript:

Rich with culture, Alive with tradition Image from: 1

2 The Middle East was once a world superpower, controlling northern Africa and even parts of Europe.
When Europe was going through its Dark Ages, the Middle East led the world in medicine, mathematics, literature, and education. CONQUERORS 2

3 TRADITIONAL & WESTERN Modern culture in the Middle East can be called either traditional or western. Traditional culture is culture that has stayed the same for hundreds of years. Western culture is anything that looks the same as American or European culture. It is called Western because Europe and America are to the west of the Middle East. 3

4 ISLAMIC INFLUENCES Because people in the Middle East are primarily Muslim, their culture reflects the teachings of Islam. Clothing, architecture, language, and food influenced by Islam is called traditional. Traditional culture is easy to recognize because it looks so different from American culture. To you, it might seem old-fashioned. 4

5 The Middle East has also been heavily influenced by the west (Europe & USA).
Today many Middle Eastern countries look just as modern as NYC or London. Any example of American or European style is called western. The Middle East has western technology, clothing, architecture, & languages. WESTERNIZATION 5

6 CLOTHING Clothing varies throughout the Middle East.
Many Muslims wear traditional Muslim clothing. Men wear head coverings called thwabs, and women wear head coverings called hijabs. Traditionally, Muslim women are only allowed to show their hands and their face in public when around men. In some countries, women who do not dress modestly can be severely punished. 6

7 Not all Muslims are still wearing traditional Muslim clothing
Not all Muslims are still wearing traditional Muslim clothing. Some, like the girl in this picture, are moving more toward a western style. Women are still expected to cover their hair, however, because a woman's hair is considered too personal to show. 7

8 Geometric patterns (repeating shapes)‏
ARCHITECTURE Architecture is the style in which buildings and homes are made. Traditional Muslim architecture is characterized by domes, arches, and geometric patterns. This building is a famous Muslim mosque, The Dome of the Rock. Dome Geometric patterns (repeating shapes)‏ Arches 8

9 WESTERN CITIES Not all cities have traditional architecture.
Many cities in the Middle East, like Dubai in Saudi Arabia, have adopted western architecture. Dubai is also building out into the sea. They are constructing islands, like the palm-shaped one below, on which people can build homes & businesses. This requires a high level of technology & skill. WESTERN CITIES 10

10 Even mosques, like this one, are becoming more westernized.

11 LANGUAGE Arabic is the holy language of Islam.
Muslims are expected to speak and read Arabic in order to understand their Koran. However, western culture still influences many Middle Eastern people. They speak English or French in addition to Arabic. Signs are often posted in two or three languages. Even western products, like Coke, have their names translated into Arabic. Arabic English French 12


Visiting the Middle East offers some exciting experiences. One unique thing about this region is the shopping. There are modern, western-style malls to visit, just like American ones. But there are also open-air markets, places where sellers set up small tables or tents and sell their wares. A person can find things like exotic spices, raw meats, unique clothing, handmade jewelry, and woven carpets. In Middle Eastern culture, it is expected that shoppers will bargain with sellers in these open-air markets. A bracelet, for example, may be priced at $20, but the seller may be willing to part with it for only $5. 15


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