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Presentation on theme: "What is the 3rd Estate? INDIVIDUAL EFFORT PUBLIC FUNCTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the 3rd Estate? INDIVIDUAL EFFORT PUBLIC FUNCTIONS “Whatever may be your services, whatever may be your abilities, you shall go thus far; you may not pass beyond!” “The Government has become a patrimony of a particular class”

2 The French Revolution Begins
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity


4 National Assembly Abbe’ Sieyes encourages 3rd Estate to form the National Assembly Declare themselves the representative body of France! This body will disregard the King’s opinions! Louis XVI closes down the assembly hall

5 Tennis Court Oath National Assembly broke down a door to an indoor tennis court and pledged: France would have a CONSTITUTION

6 Storming the Bastille What: a Paris prison which was regarded as a symbol of political oppression On July 14th, 1789 an angry crowd of peasants stormed the Bastille

7 The Great Fear A wave of senseless panic rolled through the French countryside Peasants broke into the home of Nobles and destroyed old legal papers The 3rd Estate sought Revenge!

8 October 1789: Starving Women Riot at Versailles
Attempted to murder Marie Antoinette Louis XVI agrees to move to Paris— he never again returns to Versailles

9 Louis XVI summons Estates General (May 1789)
Abbe Sieyes encourages National Assembly Tennis Court Oath (June 1789) Road to Revolution Storming of the Bastille (July 14th 1789) The Great Fear (August 1789) Women Storm Versailles (October 1789)

10 Goals of Revolution LIBERTY, EQUALITY & FRATERNITY August 1789
National Assembly adopts “Declaration of the Rights of Man” August 1789 LIBERTY, EQUALITY & FRATERNITY

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