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Web Application Development with Laravel and Bootstrap

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Presentation on theme: "Web Application Development with Laravel and Bootstrap"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Application Development with Laravel and Bootstrap
Presented by Binaya Paudel

2 Contents Laravel Bootstrap Development of Application Conclusion
Composer Frontend and Backend Database and Migration Authentication Laravel Development Environment Bootstrap Navbar Jumbotron Forms Labels Development of Application Conclusion

3 Laravel Developed by Taylor Outwel and to develop web application
a PHP web framework and is developed by following the MVC architectural pattern Earlier versions of Laravel are 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, 4.2 and 4.1 and in this project 5.4 is used. Meteor, rails and express are the most popular PHP frameworks comparing to Laravel. It is in fourth place

4 Growth of Laravel since 2013

5 Composer php -r "copy(' 'composer-setup.php');” php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '669656bab3166a7aff8a7506b8cb2d1c292f042046c5a994c43155c0be6190fa ab2e1c88d40d5be660b410') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;” php composer-setup.php php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');” mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Laravel is installed with the help of a Composer. It helps to manage Laravel’s dependencies. It is a tool for dependency management in PHP which allows to manage PHP dependencies by declaring the libraries

6 Frontend and Backend The visible portion of the websites or mobile applications that are visible to the users are called front end. The front-end of the website is developed by using HTML language, CSS code and JavaScript language. Laravel has a powerful templating engine which is used to create a standard page template called a Blade. The back-end consists of components and they are a server, an application and a database. Back-end developers use server-side language such as PHP, Ruby and .Net to build an application and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to find, save or change data and serve it back to the user in front-end code.

7 Database and Migration
Database means the collection of information that is organized and can be accessed, managed and updated. Laravel supports four databases and they are MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server. In Laravel, databases are controlled by migration. It allows to easily modify and share the application’s database schema.

8 Authentication An authentication is a process of confirming and certifying a client’s individuality. It verifies the client’s identities to allow them to access an authenticated application by providing a login name with correct password.

9 Laravel Development Environment
Larvel Homestead, a virtual machine for laravel development If not PHP >= 5.6.4 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension MAMP is installed to fulfill these requirements

10 Bootstrap Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton
Bootstrap is an open source which is developed, hosted, controlled and maintained by GitHub GitHub is a platform where software is developed with other developers within a community. Bootstrap is HTML, CSS and JS framework for developing responsive web applications for all the devices.

11 Bootstraps Components
Navbar - responsive meta component that consists of navigation elements and brand in a wrapper. Jumbotron – used as heading and is lightweight and flexible. Forms - vertical form, in-line form and horizontal form Labels – used for offering counts, tips, or other markup for pages


13 Development of Application
A login and Registration application Bootstrap – frontend design Laravel – backend design Local server environment with MAMP Web server with webhost FileZilla – a file transferring software Created application

14 Things to remember after transferring
Changing .env file configuration Moving index.php from public folder to root folder of the web server.

15 Conclusion Outcome Improvement Use of this application

16 References Getcomposer.2017a. Getting Started. Available: Accessed 10 January 2017. Laravel.2017a. Artisan Console. Available: Accessed 23 January 2017. Long, Josh I Don’t Speak Your Language: Frontend vs. Backend. Available: Accessed 07 February 2017. Merixstudio Front-end frameworks. Introduction (part 1). Available: Accessed 07 February 2017. Plotz, Marc Principles of MVC for PHP Developers. Available: Accessed 14 January 2017. Pitt, Chris Pro PHP MVC. New York, 233 Spring Street. Springer Science+Business Media. TechTerms Database Available: Accessed: 15 February 2017.

17 Thank you for you time

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