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Autism Also called ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)

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2 Autism Also called ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)

3 People with autism see the world differently
People with autism see the world differently. You might not know they have autism

4 Here’s a little bit about how autism can affect a child or adult
People can be more worried or anxious than other people, especially when things change. Its’ hard to come back to school after the holidays. It worries me when plans change. I prefer things to be the same

5 Find it tricky to talk to other people and know the right thing to say
I like to be around people but I don't always know what to say. I may want to join in a game, but not know how to. It’s hard for me to look at people when they are talking to me but I’m not being rude.

6 Have special interests (hobbies) and like them lots more than other people
For example But there are so many I can’t tell you them all

7 Their senses are more sensitive
Noise I don’t like the taste of some foods . The noise in the street, assembly and my class are too much. I don’t like the noise of paper rustling. Taste

8 How things look I like my foods separate on the plate not all mixed up
Lights can be too bright I like my foods separate on the plate not all mixed up

9 The feel and smell of things
Some smells that are OK for everyone else are too strong for me. I love the feel of certain things but I hate the feel of some clothes on my skin and sand.

10 Understanding emotions
They looked at me funny, what did they mean? I have emotions just like you, but don’t understand them in the same way.

11 Processing (using) all the information I get
Because of all these things going on for me it might take me a while to follow instructions, play with you or answer you.

12 You can be a bit autistic or a lot or somewhere in the middle
The Autistic Gardener on Channel 4 Alan Gardener has Asperger’s Syndrome ( a form of autism)

13 Phoenix School Is a special school in Tower Hamlets for autistic children who would struggle in local schools. attend Phoenix School

14 These children Might find it hard to use words and chat
Like a quieter school Need more help from adults, so there are only 3 or 4 children in a class

15 But there are many autistic children in local schools like St Peter’s
They can have a diagnosis (like dyslexia) or not. People with autism have many talents and skills. Here is a video about Rosie a girl with Asperger's syndrome. Rosie

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