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Presentation on theme: "MAKING FRIENDS ENGLISH 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 1 Making Friends you/pets? What/you/ do/ on the weekends?
you /like/listening to music ? What/favorite/TV program? Who/favorite actor/actress? You/have a job? Where /work? You/live /around here?

3 You are at your cousin’s birthday party and you meet someone (a stranger) there for the first time. Start a conversation with him / her talking about things you like, for example: places in town to go to, favorite music, food, hobbies, etc. You are at a birthday party and you meet someone for the first time and have a conversation with him / her. Answer the questions and use expressions from the balloon. I kind of like…. …., nice to meet you. Hi….…. Do you…? Is……?

4 Unit 2 Unit 2 Interests

5 Unit 2 INTERESTS What /you/ do/ in your free time?
You /have any hobbies? You/ interested / sports? What/ you/ good at? You /like/ sports?

6 Role play Student A: Student B:
You are talking to a friend or colleague about his / her interests or hobbies : what she / he likes doing , what she/ he is good at doing. Ask questions about his / her interests or hobbies. Answer the questions using expressions from the speech bubble telling your friend or colleague what your interests and / or hobbies are. you/have/hobbies ….? you/ like…? you /interested ...? you into…? Can you …? you/ good /…? I/ like…. I don’t…but I…. No, not really but …….

7 Unit 3 Unit 3 Health

8 What / you/ usually do/stay healthy?
You doing /anything /stay healthy? What kind of food /you usually /eat? What kind /exercise /you usually do? You /eat / lot /fast food/ these days? How /you cope/ with stress? How often /you exercise? You need /lot /sleep?

9 What /you usually /do when/if…?
Student A Student B You have a terrible cold and a fever. Your classmate is sick too. Talk together about what you do when you have a cold. Say what you usually do if you are ill and you have to go to work or go to college. Your classmate is sick. You try to help. Talk together about what you do when you have a cold and fever. Say what you usually do if you have a cold and you have to go to work or go to class. I feel … If I feel… Me too. What /you usually /do when/if…? When I have … If I feel… Really? Well, if…

10 Unit 4 Unit 4 Celebrations

11 How /you /celebrate / birthday?
What /your favorite celebration /festival? How /you celebrate it? Explain. What /special days/you/ going/celebrate/next month? You/ going/ cook /anything/ special on that day? What /your favorite day /of the year? Why?

12 Role play Student A: You are from another country and are visiting Peru Christmas. Ask your partner about the way we celebrate it. Student B: Your friend is visiting Peru for Christmas and wants to know about our traditional food and celebrations for that day. Tell him/her about the way we celebrate it. Student A: When is …? How /people ….? They/ eat….? They/ wear…? What about…? Student B: … and stuff like that. … and everything. Maybe. It depends.

13 Unit 5 Unit 5 Growing up

14 When /you /born? Where /you /born ? You /had a pet? Who /your favorite friend/ when you /child? What /favorite subject / school ? You/played /any/videogames? What/your favorite/holiday/when you kid?

15 You’re looking at your best friend’s photos from his/ her childhood.
Ask some questions about his/her childhood memories and answer his/her questions, too. Ask about favorite games, favorite places, favorite activities, favorite school subjects. Your friend is looking at photos from your childhood. Answer the questions and also ask him/her about his/her childhood too. Ask about favorite food, favorite TV shows, subjects you were or weren’t good at. Find out what things he/she also hated his/ her childhood.

16 Unit 6 Unit 6 Around town

17 A bank/ around here? What /your favorite place /go shopping? Any parks/ this neighborhood? Any museums/ near here? Place to go biking/ around here? Where / stadium?


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