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All " Members" IMA Pathankot

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1 All " Members" IMA Pathankot
“ IMA PRAYER ” May happiness comes to all May all be free from disease May everyone of us ensure that no one suffer from pain or sorrow Neither do I desire the crown nor heaven nor rebirth I only desire to alleviate the sufferings of the creatures burning in the fire of pain or sorrow Friday, 05-June-15 All " Members" IMA Pathankot

2 Dr. Sameer Mahajan Consultant Psychiatrist Pathankot

3 Somatoform disorders DSM-IV ICD-10
Somatoform disorders are distinguished by physical symptoms suggesting medical condition, yet the symptoms are not fully explained by the medical condition, by substance use or by another mental disorder. ICD-10 Somatoform disorders are described as repeated presentation of physical symptoms together with persistent requests for medical investigation although the patients have been repeatedly reassured by the physician that the symptoms have no physical basis.

4 Somatoform disorders ------- some imp. Facts:-
Significant distress Impaired social functioning Impaired occupational functioning Severe enough Symptoms are not intentionally produced as in factitious disorders and in malingering. No medical condition can fully explain the somatic symptoms. Onset, duration and severity of symptoms are strongly linked to psychological factors. Both physician and patients can be frustrated by the attempts to understand and alleviate these disorders.

5 Types of Somatoform disorders
Somatization disorder Conversion disorder Hypochondriasis Body dysmorphic disorder Somatoform pain disorder Undifferentiated somatoform disorder Somatoform disorder not otherwise specified

6 Somatization disorder
Conversion disorder Somatization disorder

7 Somatization disorder
( Briquet’s syndrome ) Multiplicity of Complaints The Multiple Organ Systems affected. Distinguished by combination of pain, gastrointestinal, sexual and pseudo-neurological symptoms. Pts describe their complaints in a dramatic, emotional and exaggerated manner. Usually begins before the age of 30 yrs, continue for years Prevalence 0.1 to 0.2 percent Female predominance F : M = 20 : 1

8 Cause is -------------------------- unknown
Somatization disorder Cont.... Genetic Factors Social , cultural and ethnic factors Neuro -chemical factors as abnormal level of cytokines Cause is unknown

9 No Factitious Disorder
Somatization disorder Cont.... Many physical complains < 30 years age Symptoms chronicity Social, occupational loss Diagnostic Criteria Pain related to at least 4 different sites or functions. 2 GI symptoms. 1 sexual symptoms 1 Pseudo- neurological symptoms Any of the symptoms NOT due to any drug abuse or medication. Symptoms are always in “ Excess” No Factitious Disorder Or No Malingering

10 Three Features most suggestive of Somatization Disorder are:-
Somatization disorder Cont.... Thyroid Hyper parathyroid Intermittent Porphyria Multiple Sclerosis SLE Differential Diagnosis Three Features most suggestive of Somatization Disorder are:- 1. Involvement Multiple Organ System 2. Even with early onset and Chronic course of symptoms there is NO physical sign and structural abnormality. 3. All Lab Investigations ---- Normal

11 Somatization disorder Cont....
Course and prognosis Chronic, Undulating, and Relapsing disorder that rarely remits completely. Research has indicated that a person diagnosed with Somatization disorder has approximately an 80 percent chance of being diagnosed with this disorder 5 years later. Although patients with this disorder consider themselves to be medically ill, good evidence is that they are no more likely to develop another medical illness in the next 20 years than people without Somatization disorder.

12 Psychotherapy Treatment Somatization disorder Cont....
Somatization disorder is best treated when the patient has a single identified physician as primary caretaker. Once somatisation disorder has been diagnosed, the treating physician should listen to the somatic complaints as emotional expression rather than as medical complaints. Psychotherapy Few available data indicate that Psychopharmacological treatment is effective in patients without coexisting mental disorders. Medication must be monitored, because patients with somatisation disorder tend to use drugs erratically and unreliably.

13 Video Clip relevant to somatization disorder

14 Somatization disorder
Conversion disorder Conversion disorder

15 Dissociative reaction. Somatization disorder
CONVERSION DISORDER Hysteria or Conversion reaction Dissociative reaction. Conversion disorder + Somatization disorder Conversion disorder is an illness of symptoms or deficits that affect voluntary motor or sensory functions, which suggest another medical condition, but that is judged to be caused by psychological factors because the illness is preceded by conflicts or other stressors.

16 ( Father of Psychoanalysis) ( The Napoleon of neurosis )
Conversion disorder Cont…. Introduce the term “ Conversion disorder ” Hypothesized that the symptoms of conversion disorder reflect unconscious conflicts. Sigmund Freud ( Father of Psychoanalysis) The influence of heredity on the symptom The association with a traumatic event. Paul Briquet Jean-Martin Charcot ( The Napoleon of neurosis )

17 11 in 100,000 To 300 in 100,000 Women : Men = 2 : 1 to 10 : 1
Conversion disorder Cont…. 11 in 100, To in 100,000 Women : Men = 2 : 1 to : 1 On the left side > On the right side An association exists between conversion disorder and antisocial personality disorder in men. The onset of conversion disorder is generally rare before 10 years of age or after 35 years of age

18 An elaboration of symptoms stemming from the original organic lesion.
Conversion disorder Cont…. Co morbidity Medical disorder Neurological disorder Psychiatric disorder May or May not Conversion disorders An elaboration of symptoms stemming from the original organic lesion.

19 Hemispheric communication
Conversion disorder Cont…. Etiology Psychoanalytic Factors Learning Theory E.g. Symptoms of illness, learned in child-hood, are called forth as a means of coping with an otherwise impossible situation. Biological Factors Hypo-metabolism of the dominant hemisphere and hyper-metabolism of the non-dominant hemisphere Impaired Hemispheric communication Negative feedback loops between the cerebral cortex and the brainstem reticular formation.

20 Anesthesia, especially of extremities Involuntary movements
Conversion disorder Cont…. Common Symptoms Sensory Deficits Anesthesia, especially of extremities Midline anesthesia Blindness Tunnel vision Deafness Motor Symptoms Involuntary movements Tics Blepharospasm, Torticollis Opisthotonos Seizures Abnormal gait Falling Astasia-abasia Paralysis Weakness Aphonia Visceral Symptoms Psychogenic vomiting Pseudoseizures Globus hystericus Swooning or syncope Urinary retention Diarrhea

21 These Motor Symptoms worsen on attention
Conversion disorder Cont…. These Motor Symptoms worsen on attention In astasia-abasia --- the gait is a wildly ataxic, staggering gait accompanied by gross, irregular, jerky truncal movements and thrashing and waving arm movements. Motor Symptoms Involuntary movements Tics Blepharospasm, Torticollis Opisthotonos Seizures Abnormal gait Falling Astasia-abasia Paralysis Weakness Aphonia Patients rarely fall: if they do, they are generally not injured. In paralysis and paresis The distribution of the involved muscles does not conform to the neural pathways. Reflexes remain normal The patients have no fasciculations or muscle atrophy (except after long-standing conversion paralysis) Electromyography findings are normal.

22 Anesthesia, especially of extremities Deafness and Blindness
Conversion disorder Cont…. The distribution of the sensory disturbance is usually inconsistent with either central or peripheral neurological disease. stocking-and-glove anesthesia of the hands or feet Sensory Deficits Anesthesia, especially of extremities Midline anesthesia Blindness Tunnel vision Deafness Hemi anesthesia of the body beginning precisely along the midline. Deafness and Blindness Neurological evaluation reveals intact sensory pathways. Patients walk around without collisions or self-injury Their pupils react to light Their cortical evoked potentials are normal.

23 Pupillary and gag reflexes are retained after pseudo seizures
Conversion disorder Cont…. Pseudo seizures Tongue-biting, urinary incontinence and injuries after falling are generally not present. Pupillary and gag reflexes are retained after pseudo seizures Patients have no post seizure increase in prolactin concentrations. Visceral Symptoms Psychogenic vomiting Pseudoseizures Globus hystericus Swooning or syncope Urinary retention Diarrhea

24 Diagnostic Criteria One or more symptoms or deficit Motor or Sensory
Conversion disorder Cont…. Diagnostic Criteria One or more symptoms or deficit Motor or Sensory ( suggesting Medical or Neurological condition) Symptoms or Deficit proceeded by Conflict or Stresses

25 Conversion disorder Cont….
Several psychological symptoms have also been associated with conversion disorder :- Symptoms have symbolic value: they represent an unconscious psychological conflict. PRIMARY GAIN Patients accrue tangible advantages and benefits as a result of being sick: for example, being excused from obligations and difficult life situations, receiving support and assistance that might not otherwise be forthcoming, and controlling other persons' behavior SECONDARY GAIN The patient seems to be unconcerned about what appears to be a major impairment. LA BELLE INDIFFERENCE A parent or a person who has recently died may serve as a model so persons commonly have symptoms of the deceased. IDENTIFICATION

26 Conversion disorder Cont….
Current or Previous neurological disorder Or A medical systemic disease affecting the brain 18 to 64 % Thus, a thorough medical and neurological workup is essential in all cases. If the symptoms can be resolved by suggestion, hypnosis, or parenteral amobarbital or lorazepam, they are probably the result of conversion disorder

27 Differential Diagnosis
Conversion disorder Cont…. Differential Diagnosis Neurological disorders ( e.g. dementia and other degenerative diseases), Brain tumors Basal ganglia diseases Myasthenia gravis Polymyositis Aacquired myopathies MS Optic neuritis GuiIlain-Barre syndrome Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease periodic paralysis early neurological manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

28 Course and Prognosis Paralysis Aphonia Blindness Good prognosis
Conversion disorder Cont…. Course and Prognosis Usually acute onset 95 % of acute cases remit spontaneously, usually within 2 weeks If symptoms present for 6 months ---- the prognosis for resolution is less than 50 % Paralysis Aphonia Blindness Good prognosis Tremor and Seizures Poor prognosis A short interval between onset and the institution of treatment

29 Treatment Insight-oriented supportive or behavior therapy.
Conversion disorder Cont…. Treatment Insight-oriented supportive or behavior therapy. A caring and confident Psycho-therapist. Psychotherapy should focus on issues of stress and coping. Hypnosis, anxiolytics, and behavioral relaxation exercises are effective Parenteral amobarbital or lorazepam may be helpful , especially when a patient has recently experienced a traumatic event.

30 Psychodynamic approaches
Conversion disorder Cont…. Psychodynamic approaches The longer the duration of these Conversion symptoms The more they have regressed The more difficult the treatment

31 Video Clip relevant to Conversion disorder

32 Thanks for kind listening

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