Mentor Text Reading Like a Writer

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1 Mentor Text Reading Like a Writer
Abby Robles I learned how to write from writers. I didn’t know any personally, but I read. -Cynthia Rylant Title Slide - Required

2 Outcomes Deepen understanding of what mentor text is, and how to use it to improve our writing instruction and our students’ writing Obtain examples of mentor text that support teaching opinion writing Walk away with ideas for TUESDAY Required Slide

3 My Class A second & third grade combination class at Del Sur Elementary

4 Teacher and student writing is also mentor text.
What is Mentor Text? Mentor text includes books, newspapers, poems, articles, digital print, etc. that can be used as an example of good writing.   Teacher and student writing is also mentor text. Have YOU ever needed an example before you wrote something? Resume? Master’s Thesis? TLC Proposal? Required Slide What is IT: Read the page aloud

5 Sound like a familiar idea?
Of course! The idea of imitating an exceptional model of writing is good writing instruction– that’s why we’re focusing on it today.

6 Think of a Novice Required Slide Set the purpose
Facilitator: Think of a novice. Think of a time you learned something new. Driving, swimming, cooking. (Give them a minute to think about how they improved). Ask, how did you improve? Responses…

7 Mentors Required Slide Set the purpose
F: Now think about how you improved. With a coach, a kind leader, someone with more experience.

8 Wondrous Words, Reading Like a Writer
Because my friend is a seamstress, she goes to the mall or to the dress shops differently than the rest of us who aren’t seamstresses. First, it takes her a lot longer than a normal person to make her way through the store. She turns the dresses and jumpers and shirts inside out, sometimes sitting right down on the floor to study how something is made. While the rest of us mere shoppers are looking only at sizes and prices, my friend is looking closely at the inseams and stitching and “cuts on the bias.” She wants to know how what she sees was made, how it was put together. And the frustrating thing for anyone shopping with her is that as long as it takes her, she hardly ever buys anything! You see, my friend’s not shopping for clothes, she’s shopping for ideas for clothes. After a day at the mall she goes home with a head full of new ideas for what she might make next on her trusty sewing machine. Katie Wood Ray (1999) Required Slide (you may use your own quote to build the power of mentors ) Read aloud to participants. With the verbal prompt “How is this related to mentor text?” They can write a quick reaction, and then they respond to another.

9 Writing instruction should also be traceable in student work.
Why study Mentor Texts? Writing is hard. Using mentors to teach writing gives students a tangible example for success. Writing instruction should also be traceable in student work. Do you hold your students accountable for using your craft lessons in their compositions? You may adapt to ensure that the why of Mentor Texts is covered (would like to see the notion of our instruction being evident in student work Ensure the group understands what Craft lessons are.


11 Using Mentor Text for Opinion Writing
Have your students study: Reading Rainbow segments With attention to: Editorials Opinion words (best, worst) Reviews (movie, food, product, book, etc.) Linking words and phrases (because, therefore) Speeches Conclusions Spaghetti Book Club Persuasive Essays Commercials Required Slide – We find examples of opinion everywhere.

12 Write a Restaurant Review
3.1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. b. Provide reasons that support the opinion. c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. d. Provide a concluding statement or section. Participants Write

13 Young Writers and Library Mentors
? Author’s Craft authentic dialogue rich vocabulary vivid verbs voice grabber leads story structure Suggested Slide: While learning art and music, students study the greats. Why not in writing? Children need great models, or mentors- be it published authors, other students, teacher mentors to learn writer’s craft (authentic dialogue, rich vocabulary, vivid verbs, voice, leads, and story structure).

14 Reading Like a Writer: Craft Study
Mentor Text Author Craft Example John Henry Julius Lester Strong verbs “he pulverized the boulder into pebbles.” Brave Irene William Steig Character’s thoughts and feelings “Am I still going the right way, she wondered. There was no one around to advise her. Whoever else there was in this snow-covered world was far, far away, and safe indoors– even the animals in their burrows. She went plodding on.” Mr. Lincoln’s Way Patricia Polacco Temporal phrases “A week had gone by when Eugene ran into Mr. Lincoln by the atrium, looking glum.” Required Slide, but feel free to insert the mentor text that you use, the craft it models and specific examples How to find your own mentors. You are responsible for seeking mentor texts that fit your grade level writing lessons Facilitator- Share slide and talk to the mentor text, craft and examples

15 Mentor Text: Opinion I Wanna Iguanna Dear Mr. Blueberry My Snake Blake
Author Craft Examples I Wanna Iguanna Karen Kaufman Orloff Providing Evidence “You would never have to see the iguana. I’ll keep his cage in my room on the dresser next to my soccer trophies. Plus, he’s even so small, I bet you’ll never even know he’s there.” Dear Mr. Blueberry Simon James Counter Argument “However, I must tell you that a blue whale is much too big to live in your pond.” My Snake Blake Randy Siegel Conclusion Statement “But I’m lucky to have my snake, Blake, who is the best snake, by far, in the whole wide world.” Required Slide, but feel free to insert the mentor text that you use, the craft it models and specific examples You are responsible for seeking mentor texts that fit your grade level writing lessons Facilitator- Share slide and talk to the mentor text, craft and examples

16 Reading Like a Writer Students study structure, patterns, word choice, syntax. Authentic grammar and vocabulary lessons.

17 Using Mentor Text to Improve Writing
Owl Moon: Sensory details Earrings: Providing evidence My Snake Blake: Evidence, concluding statement Toad: Lead, repetition, vivid adjectives

18 Conclusion statement: Copy-change at the sentence level
But I’m lucky to have my snake, Blake, who is the best snake, by far, in the whole wide world. My Snake Blake by Randy Siegel Required Slide – You may choose your own example here Facilitator: this is a my turn, your turn. We are going to use mentor text together. Here is a conclusion statement from My Snake Blake. Copy change this sentence and share with a partner. An example might be: But I’m lucky to have my pal, Sal, who is the best pal, by far, in the whole wide world. Try it out

19 Repetition, commas, adjectives: Copy-change at the sentence level
This is the tale of a toad. A muddy toad, a mucky toad, a clammy, sticky, gooey toad. Toad Ruth Brown Required Slide – Again, you may extend slides from here with your own activity, or choose another activity to show mentor text. Try it out again

20 This is the tale of a toad
This is the tale of a toad. A muddy toad, a mucky toad, a clammy, sticky, gooey toad. Pa turned on his big flashlight and caught the owl just as it was landing on a branch. But I’m lucky to have my snake, Blake, who is the best snake, by far, in the whole wide world.

21 I could feel the cold, as if someone’s icy hand was palm-down on my back.

22 Persuasive Letters But I’m lucky to have a brother, Luke, who is the best brother by far in the whole wide world. Your mad sister,

23 Persuasive Letters Earrings by Judith Viorst
“I tell them I’m the only girl In my class In my school In the world In the solar system Whose mom and dad won’t let her have Pierced ears.”

24 Search for Opinion Sentences
With a partner, SEARCH for opinion mentor sentences in texts provided. Look for linking words: because, but, also, even though. Can you find strong concluding sentences? Optional Activity – You may place your own grade level strong example here. Facilitator: Gather samples of mentor texts that model opinion sentences. You will need 2-3 books per table. Group will do the task on the slide. This is an excellent task for students to do as well.

25 Three Things To Remember about Mentor Text
Student work should contain traces of writing lessons. Students need mentors in order to grow as writers. We already have mentor texts in our classes, libraries, and all around. Required Slide – Facilitator- You may want to use the bullet points and extend to ask of all the places where mentor text is evident in instruction (student, teacher models, see slide….)

26 Summary The important thing about grass is that it is green. It grows, and is tender, with a sweet grassy smell. But the important thing about grass is that it is green. Copy-change

27 “Now go make great literature.”
-Nancie Atwell Suggested - May also use your own ending.

28 Resources Professional Texts: Wondrous Words Katie Wood Ray Mentor Texts Dorfman & Cappelli Nonfiction Mentor Texts Dorfman & Cappelli Notebook Know-How Aimee Buckner Your classroom library! Required Slide- add additional resources if you have them Resources

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