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Personal branding: disparity between reality and social media activity

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1 Personal branding: disparity between reality and social media activity
By Emma Bujold

2 Inquiry question: How does personal branding and media models effect the younger generation and people in general? Definition: Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization.

3 Positives it's established that personal branding is important for a number of reasons. It provides a clear focus for personal development while establishing yourself as a leader. It also works wonders for career success, allowing individuals to pursue whatever it is that they're passionate about Most Media Bloggers and influencers are a positive impact on their following and interact with them a lot in a good way but not all bloggers are like this.

4 Negatives Developing your personal brand is essential for the advancement of your career and development as a leader. Unfortunately, personal branding has become a “commoditized” term that has lost its intention as people have irresponsibly used social media as a platform to build their personal brand and increase their relevancy. With the ever increasing size and influence of the mass media in our daily lives, we are seeing more and more individuals suffer negative effects of being constantly exposed to images of "ideal" bodies in the media. This can cause a negative perception of one's body image, and contribute to developing eating disorders People compare themselves and their lives to these profiles of people with seemingly “perfect” everything which is totally false because nobodies life is perfect and nobodies body is the “perfect” body. Nothing is ever what it seems.

5 Instagram has been voted most damaging social media platform for young people’s mental health, study says Instagram is the most damaging social media platform when it comes to young people’s mental health, new research suggests. The photo-sharing app, which is owned by Facebook and has 700 million users worldwide, is considered the social media platform most likely to cause young people to feel depressed, anxious and lonely, according to a new UK-wide study by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH). In a survey of almost 1,500 Britons aged 14 to 24, the RSPH found that young people were most likely to associate Instagram with negative attributes and low self-esteem, resulting in poor body image and lack of sleep.

6 How this issue affects us
How doesn’t it affect all of us unless we do not engage in any social media platforms? The disparity between social media and reality is everywhere as well as the glamorization of oneself. When in reality nobody is perfect, nobodies life is perfect no matter what you see on their online profiles, nothing is ever what it seems

7 Conclusion: YouTube videos

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