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Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event

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2 Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event
People and Society (National 3 and 4)

3 Aims of the day To support Nominees in their understanding of national standards by: reviewing candidate evidence discussing this evidence and associated assessment standards with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards

4 Lessons Learned 2 rounds of verification happen each year:
Round 1 – February 2015 – Unit Verification Round 2 – May 2015 – Internally Assessed Course Component Assessments (IACCA) and National 4 Added Value Units Ensure the latest SQA documents are used Planning of People and Society Courses Key Ideas Use Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPs) for possible assessment layouts and adapt the Judging the Evidence Table (JET) for your topic/issue Ensure centre devised assessments give candidates the opportunity to provide evidence for each Assessment Standard – use prior verification if unsure

5 Changes in Assessment and National Qualifications for 2016/17
As a result of a Working Group set up to review current pressures on learners and teachers, the following changes have been put in place for 2016/17: Random sampling of unit verification for 2016/17 has been suspended Those delivering qualifications for the first time, or whose arrangements have initially not been accepted under verification in previous years will continue to be selected Centres selected for unit verification will be notified by early December A centre or department can ask to take part in verification, if they would find it helpful

6 Role of Nominee Nominees are colleagues selected by their authority to become the local point of contact. The role is important in supporting the National Qualifications by: Answering questions for colleagues in their authority Supporting their authority by hosting CPD events Ensuring that correct information is disseminated Contacting the Senior Team Leader (STL) or Principal Verifier (PV) for clarification as and when required

7 The Verification Process
Information received from Centres being verified includes: Completed Verification sample form Candidate evidence for up to 12 candidates, split 6 candidates per level (National 3 or National 4) if possible The assessment approach used by the assessor and candidate Assessment judgements and a Judging the Evidence Table/marking scheme showing how assessment decisions were made Information on internal quality assurance and verification procedures

8 The Verification Process
At each level in the submission, verifiers review: The validity of the centre’s approach to assessment Is the approach valid? Has a SQA USAP been used or has the assessment been prior verified? Does the assessment allow candidates to provide evidence for each Assessment Standard? Is a JET/marking scheme available? The reliability of the centre’s assessment judgements for a sample of candidates at each level Are the assessment judgements reliable? The centres internal verification evidence

9 The Verification Process
After reviewing the evidence, verifiers will determine the Outcome for each level and complete a report Outcomes for Approaches and Assessment Judgements can be: Accepted Accepted* Not Accepted Verifiers need to create and attach a verification report to the outcome record and submit Your 1st ‘Not Accepted’ will go to the PV/STL to be checked Candidate evidence that would be useful for Understanding Standards materials should be referred

10 People and Society The course is currently being delivered in almost 30 centres at National 4 level and in almost 25 centres at National 3 level

11 People and Society (National 4) Added Value Unit
Workshop 1 People and Society (National 4) Added Value Unit Review the candidate evidence against the Assessment Standards and decide if each candidate has or has not achieved each of the Assessment Standards NB: candidates must pass all the Assessment Standards to achieve the Unit Please keep a note of the reasons for your decisions Please discuss the standards with colleagues and clarify any issues

12 Feedback and Questions
Workshop 1 Feedback and Questions What did you decide? Did everyone in the group make the same decision about the candidates? If there were differences in the decisions, what were the reasons for these? If you all made the same decision, did everyone do so for the same reasons? Any questions?

13 People and Society: Making Decisions (National 3) Unit
Workshop 2 People and Society: Making Decisions (National 3) Unit Review the candidate evidence provided against the Assessment Standards and decide if each candidate has or has not achieved the Assessment Standards in order to determine whether the candidate has achieved the Unit Again, please keep a note of the reasons for your decisions Please discuss the standards with colleagues and clarify any issues

14 Feedback and Questions
Workshop 2 Feedback and Questions What did you decide? Did everyone in the group make the same decision about the candidates? If there were differences in the decisions, what were the reasons for these? If you all made the same decision, did everyone do so for the same reasons? Do you have any questions?

15 Lunch

16 Workshop 3 People and Society: Investigating Skills & Comparing and Contrasting (National 4) Units Review the candidate evidence provided against the Assessment Standards and decide if each candidate has or has not achieved the Assessment Standards in order to determine whether the candidate has achieved the Unit Again, please keep a note of the reasons for your decisions Please discuss the standards with colleagues and clarify any issues

17 Feedback and Questions
Workshop 3 Feedback and Questions What did you decide? Did everyone in the group make the same decision about the candidates? If there were differences in the decisions, what were the reasons for these? If you all made the same decision, did everyone do so for the same reasons? Do you have any questions?

18 Key Message Reports After each round of verification, the PV is required to write the Key Messages report This identifies good practice and action points for: assessment approaches assessment judgements and general comments Nominees feedback is essential for the report to be accurate and informative for centres

19 Key Message Reports 2013-16 Assessment Approaches
Most centres have created their own assessments which are of a good standard. Some excellent examples were seen of centres providing a layout for the write up of a unit which guides candidate’s to give all that is needed to pass each Assessment Standard. However a layout should not be given for the AVU (AS1.6). Centres providing their internal verification policy and completed checklists for the Unit assessments allow verifiers to check assessment approaches more easily. Centres using USAPs should adapt the Judging the Evidence Table to their topic/issue by giving suggested answers which they deem suitable of a pass.

20 Key Message Reports 2013-16 Assessment Judgements
Most centres were judging the evidence well. For verifiers to be able to pass the centres assessment judgements, assessors must mark on scripts where they know Assessment Standards are being met. It is useful for verifiers to see where assessors consider a description and/or explanation given by them marking a ‘D’ or ‘E’ beside the tick or the AS number. When verbal discussions are happening to check candidates understanding of an Assessment Standard, centres should write on the candidate’s work the questions used by the assessor and answers given by the candidate. This allows the verification team to see why the centre made the decision it had about the candidate.

21 Key Message Reports 2013-16 General Comments
Candidates should always put information into their own words For all National 4 Units, candidates must describe (AS2.1) and give brief explanations (AS2.2). Many candidates are not explaining well. For all Units, Assessment Standard 2.3 asks for candidates to show knowledge and understanding of the two (National 3) or three (National 4) key ideas they have chosen. This knowledge and understanding must be shown in each candidate’s answers. In the AVU, candidates should make a decision or compare and contrast (AS1.5) – this is completed more easily if they have a question within their topic/issue to answer.

22 Questions and Next Steps
Are there any further questions? Thank you for becoming nominees!


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