ART Using different techniques to create trees of different seasons.

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Presentation on theme: "ART Using different techniques to create trees of different seasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 ART Using different techniques to create trees of different seasons. Observational drawing Making clay cottages Looking at various artists and studying their technique of drawing trees. SCIENCE To name a variety of common plants, including trees. To describe the structure of plants including roots, stem etc Continue exploring ‘Spring’ & ‘Summer’ MUSIC Exploring Pitch To control the pitch of voices and instruments To create simple melodic patterns Exploring instruments and symbols, What's the Score? PSHE & C Continue with the terms core values. Taking care of our friends What happens when we neglect our environment. How do we take care of our plants and animals found in our school and village. LITERACY Looking at traditional fairy tales Writing information books on the woods Recount writing Traditional stories Poetry GEOGRAPHY Using and drawing maps and plans Comparing Bream High street and the woods The locality of the school Where do I live? Enchanted Forest R.E What special things help people to worship Thinking about your own special objects and their memories Symbols for use in the Jewish and Christian faith ICT Using videos, CD’s to research information on the woods. Computing – writing instructions Internet safety MATHS Continue with number and place value Calculation – + x ÷ 2D & 3D shapes Weight, capacity, length & time. PE Basketball – ball skills Investigate movement, stillness, and how to find and use space safely. Outdoors games: football PE is on Wednesday and Thursday so please make sure your child’s kit is in school. For outdoor games, children need long tracksuit bottoms or leggings and suitable footwear and for indoor P.E, shorts and T-shirt. Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading record at least 3 times a week so they can move onto the next star in our class ‘Reading Challenge’ Show and Tell will continue to be on a Monday so this is the day for bringing their bigger toys, please remember it is pocket size toys or the rest of the week.

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