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What do you think the difference is between art and craft?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think the difference is between art and craft?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Appreciation (2012) Ch. 14 The Crafts as Fine Art Journal PowerPoint

2 What do you think the difference is between art and craft?


4 Functionality? Ceramics- objects formed out of clay and then hardened by firing in a very hot oven, or kiln. NCECA (national Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) video, Cynthia Bringle:

5 Functionality?

6 Fig. 14-35 …a tester art or craft? Hmmmmm???

7 Benvenuto Cellini, Saliera (saltcellar) of Francis I of France, 1540-43, 10.25” high

8 Functionality?


10 Ceramic ????? Technique Clay rolled out into rope-like strands and then built up by _____.

11 Coiling

12 ???? The type of ceramic fired at the highest temperature that becomes virtually translucent and extremely glossy in finish. Chinese T’ang Dynasty CE

13 Porcelain The type of ceramic fired at the highest temperature that becomes virtually translucent and extremely glossy in finish. Chinese T’ang Dynasty CE

14 Would you designate Dale Chihuly as an artist or as a craftsperson? Why?

15 What is this? Onin Wars Rebuilding Temples Manners and Cooperation
Onin Wars Rebuilding Temples Manners and Cooperation Humble Upper and lower economic classes had tea in common.

16 Japanese Tea Ceremony Onin Wars Rebuilding Temples
The Japanese tea ceremony, also called the Way of Tea, is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha, powdered green tea. In Japanese, it is called chanoyu (茶の湯?) or chadō, sadō (茶道?). The manner in which it is performed, or the art of its performance, is called otemae (お手前; お点前?). Zen Buddhism was a primary influence in the development of the tea ceremony. Much less commonly, it uses leaf tea, primarily sencha; see sencha tea ceremony, below. Tea gatherings are classified as chakai (茶会?) or chaji (茶事?). A chakai is a relatively simple course of hospitality that includes confections, thin tea (薄茶, usucha?), and perhaps a light meal. A chaji is a much more formal gathering, usually including a full-course kaiseki meal followed by confections, thick tea (濃茶, koicha?), and thin tea. A chaji can last up to four hours. Onin Wars Rebuilding Temples Manners and Cooperation Humble Upper and lower economic classes had tea in common.

17 Should Fred Wilson display a whipping post as artistic installation
Should Fred Wilson display a whipping post as artistic installation? Why or why not? (Sub for Estate Inventory c. 1812) As shown on these 1849 records from the Wilton plantation in Louisiana, slaves in their 20s who were regarded as a "good" or even "fair hand" were routinely valued at $700 or $800. Wilton was a sugar plantation that also grew corn and had a sawmill and cooper's shop.

18 Who called the roof of her childhood apartment building Tar Beach?

19 Cassie Louise Lightfoot or Faith Ringgold
Fig …a tester

20 The End

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