Third Grade 2016 Lunch and Learn.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade 2016 Lunch and Learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade 2016 Lunch and Learn

2 What we do: What we do NOT do: What does reading look like now? M
Read on individual student levels Test on individual student levels Teach small groups on individual student needs and levels Conference with students individually to teach based on their needs Give cold reads on third grade level Teach analysis of text with written paragraphs Journaling Use one general reading book for the whole class Give a test on one story or level Round robin reading Isolated vocabulary Daily worksheets M

3 M

4 What we do: What we do NOT do: What does math look like now? M
Teach whole group lessons with content Teach individual needs in small groups Address individual needs with conferences Address individual needs with center work Address current whole group instruction with TenMarks Problem solving with hands on manipulatives Focus on explaining the number sense behind the strategy Book work everyday Drill and practice Just paper to pencil Just rote memorization M

5 Why is it important to study multiplication facts?
--Math facts fluency leads to higher thinking --Less confusion with longer processes --Less math anxiety M

--Flashcards --Music --Teach someone else --Write facts several times --Play games on the computer using math facts. M

7 More Study Habits: For 3rd Grade Students

8 T

9 T

10 Find out what works for your child!

11 For math tests: Do the end-of-chapter problems or the sample test. If you can do these problems, then you understand the most important concepts in the chapter and you should do well on the test.

12 Also for math tests: Redo any homework problems you missed. Make certain that you understand where you went wrong the first time. Ask the teacher to explain any problems you still cannot do.

13 For social studies tests:
Answer the end-of-chapter and/or end-of-unit questions. Often, you will find these exact questions on the test! At the very least, you will have a broad understanding of the most important concepts and ideas from the unit.

14 Review/organize/rewrite your notes.
Take a look at your notes since the last test. Are they neat? Do they make sense? Is there a better way to organize them? For example, can you group certain ideas together? Would it make sense to have one page of dates and another page of important people? One of the best ways to get information into your head is to organize it and write it down. Rewrite your notes neatly.

15 Review/organize/rewrite handouts from the teacher.
If the teacher took the time to copy something, she thinks you need to know it. Take a look at all of the handouts the teacher gave you. Do you understand them? Please don't recreate all the handouts! Think about creating one page with the most important information from all of them.

16 Know the definition of all vocabulary words, concepts, ideas, people, etc. that have been introduced since the last test. These are the highlighted words found in a chapter. Sometimes, there will be a list of "important words" or "people to know." Write down all of these words and be sure to include any word that your teacher takes the time to define for you, as well.

17 Memorize. You will be amazed at how much information you know after organizing your notes and looking for important words. Still, sometimes you must buckle down and commit things to memory.


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