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Presentation on theme: "GIS HELPS THE ELDERLY IN SWEDEN"— Presentation transcript:


2 Background In Sweden, the elderly in need of daily care can make use of highly specialized retirement homes or they can stay at home with home assistance provided by the State. Today the trend is to encourage the elderly to remain in their homes as long as possible. The almoners’ visits implicate several factors that must be matched: Each visit has a time window; Each visit require a set of skills that must be met by the staff; Each staff member has given planned breaks such as meals; Sufficient travel time between visits must be allocated; Each staff member has given working areas; Certain visits are grouped in such a way that the same staff member must do all visits; Each client has one or more preferred staff members to make the visit; Certain visits require multiple staff members.

3 Challenges The social care sector is labor intensive-personnel costs are by far the greatest expense of any home-care unit. An essential component of providing quality social care is having enough time for home-care workers to carry out their activities with dignity and respect to everyone involved. Many municipalities struggle to maintain a high quality of care within their budgets.

4 Health care sector Big challenges in Healthcare & Welfare
Shortage of labour Lack of money Ageing population Need for high quality More expensive care options Healthcare & welfare is one of the biggest service sectors in the world. Societies face social and economic changes. As the population ages, a shortage of skilled labor keeps stretching human resources. The healthcare and welfare sectors are driven by increasing cost pressures and the need to improve efficiency without compromising safety and quality. Much higher outcome with less resources 4 4

5 Doctors Care-taker Patients Health care sector
Trend of the next-generation-user Hospital / GP At home – on the travel Signing, … Doctors Hospital / Outpatient Ward round, therapy, … Care-taker Everywhere appointments / reminder monitoring / therapy Patients

6 Healthcare sector Healthcare industry development Main goals
Arto Ryymin Healthcare sector Healthcare industry development Main goals Focus Supplier, Hospitals and GPs will unstained the patient as their same clients Telemonitoring Self-Service Patients Health-Nets Improvements of the HC-systems as such for better availability Regions More flexibility -avoiding of double findings eHealth Tele-medicine Communication hospitals and GPs Institutes Medicine and Care-Systems Improvement of medicine and care documentation and quality Departments Administration und Planing More efficiencies Admin 1970/1980 1990 2000 2010 20xx 6

7 Solution Tieto is the largest Nordic IT services company providing full life-cycle services for both private and public sectors. The company has global presence through its product development business and the delivery centers. Tieto’s home-care planning system, Laps Care, makes working hours more efficient, while ensuring the right employees have the high-quality information they need to perform the right action at the right time and in the right place. The solution helps manage healthcare by recording clients’ care needs, information on visits and employees, and available working hours. The City of Stockholm and the Swedish municipality of Linköping are among the 250 customers enjoying the benefits of Laps Care in Sweden, Norway and Finland.

8 Back office, front office, care & services, co-operation
Tieto Company Industry specialization is Tieto’s key for success Digital services Outpatient care Emergency care Inpatient care Rehabilitation Homecare Back office, front office, care & services, co-operation Laboratory Digital Imaging Medication Surgery Other services Administration Family care

9 Laps Care How does the planning system work

10 Laps Care How does the planning system work
An employee of the company collects customer data, including: the number of health workers, the number of necessary visits to the client, the time that staff members must spend in transit to reach each client. The data are inserted into the system, they are essential for the company to formulate an accurate care plan. A Tieto’s business partner, Navigation Technologies, provides a detailed description of the local road network by using a navigation system of maps, which is interfaced to Laps Care software. The system matches all these data together, in order to generate a final plan that combines all the visits. It takes 2 minutes to generate an alternative solution in the case of overlap between views.

11 Laps Care How does the Geographic Information System work

12 Benefits Laps Care optimizes staff planning in home
healthcare, eliminates the need to plan manually around the needs of individual workers, and supports care and services of the elderly and disabled people receive in their homes. Organizations that have introduced Laps Care into their operations in an efficient way have enjoyed positive economic and qualitative effects within the first year. Planning has improved work efficiency up to 20 percent. There have also been fewer periods of short-term sick leave among employees (a drop of almost 70%) and the costs of home care have fallen by 10-15%.

13 Benefits Laps Care aims to make working hours more efficient, while ensuring high quality of information. This means that a member with the right competence does the right thing at the right time and in the right place. Marie Almroth, a municipal project manager in Linköping, says: “Laps Care fulfils our goals and provides good economic results and priceless quality improvements in care.” The city of Stockholm has calculated to improve their operations processes and save over 30 million euros yearly, and they have reached a lot of quality benefits: No one will be left alone to suffer or, in the worst case, die; Care is adapted with the evolving needs of the customer; Reduced stress and other adverse effects for extended family members Better usage of staff competencies; Reduced sick-leaves; Reduced time in hospitals and nursing homes; Better utilization of public medical resources; More satisfying work conditions for staff.


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