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Calibration: preparation for pa

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1 Calibration: preparation for pa
C. Zampolli Calibration: preparation for pa 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

2 Calibration strategy – CPass0 + CPass1
Chunk 0 Chunk 1 Chunk N Chunk 0 Chunk 1 Chunk N Alien job Alien job Alien job Alien job Alien job Alien job Alien job Alien job OCDB snapshot snapshot reconstruction reconstruction ESDs ESDs Calib. train Calib. train QA train Merging + OCDB entires Merging + OCDB entires 07/01/2013 OCDB Update C. Zampolli OCDB Update

3 Run selection Runs are picked automatically from the logbook, with the following criteria: PHYSICS run, Beam ON, GOOD Data Quality flag, GRP pp in DONE, at least one of SDD, T0, TOF, TPC, TRD, number of kCalibBarrel > 0, data migrated, B field ok If TPC  TPC pp in DONE If TRD  TRD pp in DONE If SPD  SPD pp in DONE (SPD should be always there) GOOD Data Quality flag set online in the ACR Runs should last at least 5 minutes NB. In pp: kCalibBarrel = SPI triggers; kCalibOuter = EMCAL + MUON + PHOS triggers In pA: kCalibBarrel defined differently (see later); kCalibOuter = EMCAL + MUON + PHOS triggers 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

4 pA During standard data taking: During MB-like data taking:
Using high-multiplicity trigger (20 Hz) Still to be set by Trigger experts; using VZERO During MB-like data taking: Downscaling at reconstruction level, according to: min(max(nevents/10,30000),nevents)/nevents If events <=  reconstruct all If events >=  reconstruct 10% In between, 30000 No kCalibBarrel defined kCalibOuter kept as now More QA from fast MUON + calorimeters reconstruction (kPhysME) 30000 due to >3x higher multiplicity in pA than pp 30000 events 10% of the statistics 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

5 Trigger Clusters Data taking will be in the same run with two different partitions: Fast cluster  without SDD, AOCRDE, EMCAL, FMD, PHOS, MUON, PMD ALL cluster  everybody CENT cluster  without MUON, PMD MUON cluster MUON + SPD + SSD (?) + T0 + V0 + ZDC Ken's talk at last PB 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

6 But… Data taking will be in the same run with two different partitions: Fast cluster  without SDD, ACORDE, EMCAL (?), FMD (?), PHOS, MUON, PMD ALL cluster  everybody CENT cluster  without MUON, PMD MUON cluster MUON + SPD + SSD (?) + T0 + V0 + ZDC Events in these clusters could be used for calibration, but the absence of SDD could bias the results, and SDD might not have enough events Only use ALL + CENT Standard pA  kCalibBarrel should not be associated to events from Fast cluster MB data taking  dedicated alias as discussed in Since an an event can be read out by two clusters, a sort of “exclusive” selection of aliases is needed (e.g. only ALL, not Fast) Ken's talk at last PB 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

7 CPass calibration code status
V5-03-Rev-03 should have been the “golden” release Some changes needed, new revision foreseen Detector Status Mean Vertex ok SDD TPC TRD TOF Ok T0 ? No reprocessing possible yet 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

8 TPC calibration dEdx resolution worsens at high rate (~8%), together with space point distortion (3 sigma) So far, only extrapolation can be done Procedure definition need data For space point distortion, a first workaround could be put in place Require manual calibration after PPass (high-pt trees needed) After that, full calibration chain to be re-run (TPC calibration would change) 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

9 Current “schedule” Monday 7 Jan, Sunday 13 Jan  machine and injectors commissioning Monday 14 Jan  setting up for pA 4 days of setup (could even be that they declare STABLE BEAMS) Friday 18 Jan  Physics 5-7 days of MB (to accumulate 100M events) Then increase in luminosity, different trigger configuration Monday 11 feb (at 6 am)  end of pA, start of pp at low energy Each step depends on the previous one Any delay could have consequences on the next steps! E.g.: any delay this week would make pA shift in time pA vs Ap  change of period probably better 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

10 2012 data – what is left LHC12h LHC12i
VPass started over Christmas; almost completed Run (8740 chunks for ~1.3M of MB events) failed in CPass0 merging (EE) LHC12i CPass reprocessing completed over Christmas (checking a few runs) Manual update window to be opened, QA readiness to be assessed  deadline next week, then busy times for pA, so maybe VPass will need to be postponed 07/01/2013 C. Zampolli

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