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Heart Day 5 Heart Sounds.

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1 Heart Day 5 Heart Sounds

2 1. The events associated with one heartbeat.
Pg 79 HEART SOUNDS 1. The events associated with one heartbeat. Diastole= relaxation, chambers fill with blood Systole= contraction, chambers expel blood

3 Pg 79 HEART SOUNDS 2. Heart Sounds “Lub, Dub” Sound 1=“Lub” (S1) is the sound of the atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and bicuspid) closing ventricles are contracting (systole) Atrioventricular Semilunar A heart murmur describes an extra sound in addition to the "lub-dub." Sometimes these extra sounds are simply the sound of normal blood flow moving through a normal heart. Other times, a murmur may be a sign of a heart problem.

4 Pg 79 HEART SOUNDS Sound 2=“Dub” (S2) is the sound of the semilunar valves (pulmonary and aortic) closing ventricles are relaxing and filling with blood (diastole) Atrioventricular Semilunar A heart murmur describes an extra sound in addition to the "lub-dub." Sometimes these extra sounds are simply the sound of normal blood flow moving through a normal heart. Other times, a murmur may be a sign of a heart problem.

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