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Trails Taken West.

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1 Trails Taken West


3 Recap Post-Revolutionary America

4 The Louisiana Purchase
New territories added to the United States after 1801 Louisiana Purchase Jefferson bought land from France (the Louisiana Purchase), which doubled the size of the United States. In the Lewis and Clark expedition, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

5 Louisiana Purchase

6 Trails West

7 Santa Fe Trail After Mexico gained independence from Spain the Santa Fe Trail led traders from Missouri to New Mexico to make a profit The lure of new riches in New Mexico led more traders to the desert region While traders found the trail through the desert brutal, the chance for profit made the journey worth while The Journey from Missouri to New Mexico would bring huge profits to settlers each year

8 Oregon Trail While hundreds of settlers travelled to New Mexico, hundreds more used the Oregon trail to settle into Oregon As Missionaries sent home reports of the rich Oregon Territory, settlers flocked to Oregon in hopes of becoming wealthy Thousands of settlers would begin moving to Oregon each year

9 More Unhappy Trails Again
The Trail West could be full of Hardships and Fortune Survival often depended on cooperation so Wagon Trains were often formed Settlers along the trails west faced sickness, fever, and death on the road west

10 A Movement… While some people moved west to find wealth others, like the Mormons, moved west for religious freedom. Founded by Joseph Smith, the Mormons were seen as immoral to eastern Christians. After Smith was killed Brigham Young moved the Mormons to Utah to find peace. The Mormons would work together to make the desert land of Utah fertile and livable


12 Looking Ahead: Other Territories
Florida Spain gave Florida to the United States through a treaty. Texas Texas was added after it became an independent republic. Oregon The Oregon Territory was divided by the United States and Great Britain. California War with Mexico resulted in California and the southwest territory becoming part of the United States.

13 Florida, Texas, Oregon, California


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