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Bayesian fMRI analysis with Spatial Basis Function Priors

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1 Bayesian fMRI analysis with Spatial Basis Function Priors
Variational Bayes scheme for voxel-specific GLM using wavelet-based spatial priors for the regression coefficients Guillaume Flandin & Will Penny SPM Homecoming, Nov

2 Spatial prior using a kernel
Spatial prior over regression and AR coefficients Data-driven estimation of the amount of smoothing (different for each regressor) Does not handle spatial variations in smoothness  spatial basis set prior Penny et al, NeuroImage, 2004

3 Orthonormal Discrete Wavelet Basis Set
Decomposition of time series/spatial processes on an orthonormal basis set with: Multiresolution: time-frequency/scale-space properties Natural adaptivity to local or nonstationary features Good properties: Decorrelation / Whitening, Sparseness / Compaction, Fast implementation with a pyramidal algorithm in O(N) complexity Increased levels Fewer wavelet coefficients

4 Orthonormal Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Data [Nx1] Wavelet coefficients [Nx1] Set of wavelet basis functions [NxN] Inverse transform: Multidimensional transform No need to build V in practice, thanks to Mallat’s pyramidal algorithm. Daubechies Wavelet Filter Coefficients

5 Wavelet shrinkage or nonparametric regression
Signal denoising technique based on the idea of thresholding wavelet coefficients. DWT Thresh. IDWT Nonlinear operator  DWT => Threshold 

6 3D denoising of a regression coefficient map
Histogram of the wavelet coefficients

7 Bayesian Wavelet Shrinkage
Wavelet coefficients are a priori independent, The prior density of each coefficient is given by a mixture of two zero-mean Gaussian. Consider each level separately Applied only to detail levels Negligible coeffs. Significant coeffs. Estimation of the parameters via an Empirical Bayes algorithm

8 Generative model

9 Approximate posteriors
Variational Bayes Iteratively updating Summary Statistics to maximise a lower bound on evidence

10 Summary / Future Variational Bayes scheme for voxel-specific GLM using wavelet-based spatial priors for the regression coefficients Replace the mono scale Gaussian filtering (=> anisotropic smoothing + amount of smoothness estimated from data) Lower the quantity of data to deal with in the iterative algorithm Implementation => spm_vb_* (2D vs. 3D, level-dependent parameters, Gibbs-like oscillations, …) General framework which allows lots of adaptations and improvements…

11 Wavelet denoising Signal denoising technique based on the idea of thresholding wavelet coefficients:

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