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How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get it Published

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get it Published"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get it Published
Robert A. Byrne, MB BCh PhD Deutsches Herzzentrum, Munich, Germany

2 Disclosures: Robert A. Byrne MB BCh PhD
Lecture fees: B. Braun Melsungen AG, Biotronik, Boston Scientific

3 How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get it Published!
Agenda Manuscript writing Review and rebuttal

4 Why do Researchers Publish Their Work ?

5 4 golden rules for writing your paper

6 Clearly target the key message you wish to communicate!
#1 Be prepared Do you have good data and an interesting story? Do you have a novel message? Do you have the correct journal? Clearly target the key message you wish to communicate!

7 Perform a Novelty Check
#1 Be prepared Perform a Novelty Check Novel or confirmatory Be aware of novelty or lack of – this will help better pitch your work Assessment of originality is a key element of peer review Pioneering is not imperative; reproducibility of earlier results is an important element of the scientific process!

8 Be prepared #1 Clearly identify your message, key conclusions and story Decide which data to include/omit Make Display Items (Figures and Tables) Make an Outline Lay out your story in logical order Match your display items to this order Arrange and rearrange your data to fit the flow of the story Expand outline to include each important point (paragraph) you want to make

9 Be prepared #1 Download and read the instructions for authors
Read papers published in this journal Be aware of electronic features of your journal that may make your manuscript more attractive

10 Be structured! 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results and 4. Discussion
#2 Be structured! The text of observational and experimental papers is usually divided into the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results and 4. Discussion This so-called “IMRaD” structure is not an arbitrary format but rather a direct reflection of the process of scientific discovery

11 How to structure a manuscript ?
Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures

12 How to structure a manuscript ?
Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures Provide a concise and short summary of the work including key facts Stick to the word count and authors instructions on format Consider – the abstract may be the only part of the paper read

13 Comply with Word Count in Instruction to Authors!
#3 Be concise! Do you need all that text? Is there a more concise way of saying it? Are your sentences too long? Get rid of filler phrases Avoid repetition in text (e.g. results section) Avoid duplication of information in results and display items Comply with Word Count in Instruction to Authors!

14 Be precise! Always Proof and Print!
#4 Check punctuation, capitilization, scientific names Check your grammar Use a spell check Pay close attention to formating rules Get a language editor if necessary Always Proof and Print! Papers that are written well have significantly higher acceptance rates!

15 Golden Rules for Writing Your Paper
Be prepared Be structured Be concise Be precise Message? Journal? Comply with Instruction to Authors! IMRaD Cut, Revise, Cut, Revise! Attention to detail is worth the effort! When submitting be polite, persuasive, professional

16 How to structure a manuscript ?
Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures Justification: Clearly describe the scientific gap that exists in this field Novelty: Describe how the rationale of the study fills this gap of knowledge Hypothesis: Outline the specific aim of the study

17 How to structure a manuscript ?
Completeness: should contain all relevant information on methodology applied in the study Logical Order: provide information in a logical sequence so that the reader is able to follow and reproduce Conciseness: stick with the word limit Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures

18 How to structure a manuscript ?
Structure: the results should be structured in analogy with the methods Unbiased picture: the results should represent an unbiased picture of the study also including unfavorable outcomes Display Items: Attractively formatted figures and tables make your paper stand out from others Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures No interpretation, that is for the discussion

19 Writing your manuscript
Provide a very concise summary of the most relevant findings Discuss the findings provided in context of contemporary scientific knowledge Explain implications of the findings and put into perspective Suggest role of future studies to confirm or develop findings Be honest with the study limitations Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figures

20 Writing many manuscripts will make you a better manuscript writer!

21 How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get it Published!
Agenda Manuscript writing Review and rebuttal


23 Thoughts on peer review…
@richardhorton1 “The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer review was any more than a crude means of discovering the acceptability — not the validity — of a new finding. Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer review. We portray peer review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller.”

24 Thoughts on peer review…
@richardhorton1 …but we know that the system of peer review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong.” MJA 2000; 172:

25 Do’s and Dont’s of Rebuttal
Structure your rebuttal letter clearly Answer each point separately Try to comply with the reviewers‘ request Pick your battles carefully! Show the reviewer what changes you made and where you made them Be polite, persausive and professional!

26 Writing a rebuttal is a bit like preparing for a tax audit!


28 Clear structure; answer each point individually
Cover Letter Rebuttal

29 Do’s and Dont’s of Rebuttal
Dodge the question Respond in general terms without indicating the changes you made Write a 4 page response to each point Send the reviewer back into your main paper Be impolite or aggressive Be polite, persausive and professional!

30 If at first you don’t succeed…

31 Thank you for your attention!
Robert A. Byrne, MB BCh PhD Deutsches Herzzentrum, Munich, Germany

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