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Peter’s “Rock” Concert 1 Pet 2:4-8

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1 Peter’s “Rock” Concert 1 Pet 2:4-8
Jesus, the Living Stone Choice and Precious to God 2:4 Rejected by men 2:4, 7b-8 builders rejected became very cornerstone (Ps 118:22) disbelieve stone of stumbling, rock of offense (Isa 8:14) Precious value for those who believe 6-7a choice, precious cornerstone (Isa 28:16)

2 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5

3 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
A Christian is not and cannot be a rolling stone- one who has a relationship with Jesus, but no connection, tie, relationship, or responsibility to any other Christian.

4 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
Jesus is the precious cornerstone, but a cornerstone does not the building make. Christians comprise the rest of the building built up as a spiritual house or temple.

5 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
Ephesians and the Temple Figure 2:19-20 Structure made up of Jews and Gentiles Christ Jesus the corner stone Each stone is built on foundation of apostles and prophets 3:3-5 Fitted together, built together

6 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
Other figures in Ephesians indicate that a Christian has a relationship with and a responsibility to other Christians: fellow-citizens in Christ’s kingdom 2:19 brothers and sisters in God’s household 2:19 members in Christ’s body 4:16

7 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
A study of the N.T. shows that much of our connection and interaction with other Christians is done within a local church relationship though it is not limited to it. “Church” is used in the sense of a group of Christians working together as one in a specific locality 1 Cor 1:1-2 at Corinth; 1 Thess 1:1 of the Thessalonians Phil 1:1 elders oversee, deacons serve Phil 1:27 the purpose and aim: stand firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel

8 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
The Christians at Woodland Hills do not belong to the church at South Marion. The Christians at South Marion do not belong to the church at Woodland Hills. The Christians at Woodland Hills are not overseen by the elders at South Marion and the Christians at South Marion are not overseen by the elders at Woodland Hills. The Christians at Woodland Hills are not striving together for the faith of the gospel with the Christians at South Marion and the Christians at South Marion are not striving together with the Christians at Woodland Hills.

9 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
In the N.T., Christians joined themselves and belonged to a local church and were identified by this relationship: Saul Acts 9:26-28 Phoebe Rom 16:1-2 Epaphras Col 1:7; 4:12

10 You Can’t Be a Rolling Stone 1 Pet 2:5
Christians in a close, working relationship in a local church: What does it look like? Jerusalem church Acts 2:42-46 steadfast assembling for worship sharing to meet financial needs developing personal relationships Thessalonian church 1 Thess 5:14 looking out for our brother’s spiritual well-being Roman church Rom 12:4-8 exercising our individual gifts to the benefit of all

11 Am I living like I am a “Rolling Stone”
Am I living like I am a “Rolling Stone”? Or am I functioning as an integral part of the temple of God?

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