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Geographic Partnership Opportunities

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1 Geographic Partnership Opportunities
The 2020 Census Geographic Partnership Opportunities Rick Campbell Geographer Los Angeles Regional Office U.S. Census Bureau Idaho Association of Counties Conference

2 The 2020 Census A New Design for the 21st Century
Idaho Association of Counties Conference 2

3 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Geography Hierarchy Survey data (sample) Decennial Census data (100%) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

4 Idaho Association of Counties Conference

5 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
170 County Subdivisions Idaho Association of Counties Conference

6 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
298 Census Tracts Idaho Association of Counties Conference

7 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
963 Block Groups Idaho Association of Counties Conference

8 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
149,842 Blocks Idaho Association of Counties Conference

9 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
201 Incorporated Places (cities) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

10 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
26 Census Designated Places (CDPs) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

11 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
5 American Indian Areas (AIAs) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

12 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
35 State Legislative Districts Idaho Association of Counties Conference

13 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
911 Voting Districts Idaho Association of Counties Conference

14 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Here we see the tapestry of census geography that you, working through our partnership programs, have an opportunity to influence. Idaho Association of Counties Conference

15 Geographic Partnership Opportunities The 2020 Census
RDP Local Update of Census Addresses Participant Statistical Areas Program Geographic Support System Boundary and Annexation Survey Tools: GUPS, SWIM, Community TIGER Boundary Quality Assessment & Reconciliation Project Redistricting Data Program BQARP Idaho Association of Counties Conference

16 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Redistricting Data Program (RDP) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

17 Census Redistricting Data Program History
Passage of P.L Blocks created for all incorporated places of 10,000 or more population 5 States (GA, MI, NY, RI, VA) contracted for statewide block coverage resulting in 78% of population and 7% of land area Nationwide Block Coverage Block Boundary Suggestion Project Paper submissions and equivalency files for digitizing into Census’s “TIGER” geographic database New race categorizations based on OMB Directive 15 Enhanced precision of Census TIGER geography Digital submission using required Census supplied software 2020 Digital with no software restrictions but with a supplied software option Centralized program and processing Landmark court rulings in 1964 – Westbury v. Sanders, Reynolds V. Simms – Supreme Court clearly stated that congressional and legislative plans required adherence to “one person, one vote.” Combine with Voting Rights Act in 1965, states realized needed granular data to comply with new parameters Working with National Conference of State Legislatures, states lobbied Congress for passage of P.L , which requires the Census Bureau, through the Secretary of Commerce, to establish a program where states identify geographic areas for which tabulations are needed in order to conduct legislative redistricting. States have historically ID’d census blocks and VTDs (our generic term for precincts, wards, etc.) as those areas Program must be conducted in non-partisan manner Tabulations must be delivered to Gov. and officers or public bodies with responsibility for legislative apportionment or districtings within one year of census day Normally I would go into a explanation of census blocks, but I assume this audience knows what they are. If not, in short, they are smallest unit of geography for which the CB publishes decennial data. They are bounded by linear features in MAF/TIGER (roads, RRs, waterways, legal or statistical area boundaries, etc.) They nest within all other decennial geographies…all decennial geographies can be defined as a group of whole tabulation blocks. 1980 – first census after passage of PL94-171 Idaho Association of Counties Conference 17

18 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Redistricting Data Program Phase 1 – The Block Boundary Suggestion Project (BBSP) Schedule Activities States can influence the 2020 tabulation blocks Must Hold/ Do Not Hold Missing Features Misaligned Features Update Area Landmark (state parks, prisons, etc.) boundaries Block size review - NEW for 2020 Suggest updates to legal boundaries – NEW for 2020 Activity Date Initial Delineation December 2015 – May 2016 Verification December 2016 – May 2017 Idaho Association of Counties Conference 18

19 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Realigning or Update Features or Boundaries Realigning the Census place boundary (blue) with the accurate locally-sourced place boundary (red) Idaho Association of Counties Conference 19 19

20 This image shows you a few things about the 2020 BBSP
This image shows you a few things about the 2020 BBSP. First, what is outlined in red are the ‘prototype’ or ‘planned’ boundaries that we are provided for the first time. So you can see how that gives users something to start to work with. The block in the center of the image had a block size indicator of ‘B” indicating that it contains an estimated 1600 – 1,999 housing units. If I were person doing the BBSP work for Howard County, MD, where this block is located, I might also know that in 2010, the population within the 2010 block (which covered almost, but not exactly the same area) was 2,696 people and 1130 housing units. The 2010 data along with the block size indicator information, helps me to target this block as a good candidate for splitting, so I have a more granular building blocks available to me for doing my post-2020 redistricting work. Note there are a number of walking paths that would make good visible block boundaries. I can digitize them in using GUPS and then set a ‘must hold’ designation flag on them, so that they will be block boundaries in 2020.

21 Zooming back out, you can see that the block is now divided into two, and assuming no other changes, it will be delineated as 2 tabulation blocks in The BBSP participant might also like to divide it in additional locations.

22 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Redistricting Data Program Phase 2 – The Voting District Project (VTDP) Schedule Activities States provide their Election Districts/Precincts/Wards States can influence the 2020 tabulation blocks Missing Features Misaligned Features Update Area Landmark (state parks, prisons, etc.) boundaries Suggest updates to legal boundaries – NEW for 2020 Activity Date Initial Delineation December 2017 – May 2018 Verification December 2018 – May 2019 Idaho Association of Counties Conference 22

23 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Redistricting Data Program Phase 3 – Data Delivery Schedule Content P.L Redistricting Data File Race and Race for the Population 18 Years and Over Hispanic or Latino, and not Hispanic or Latino by Race and Hispanic or Latino, and not Hispanic or Latino by Race for the Population 18 Years and Over Occupancy Status (Housing) Group Quarters – NEW for 2020 Geographic Support Products Shapefiles Maps (PDF only) Block Assignment Files Block to Block Relationship Files – NEW (timing) for 2020 Activity Date Geographic support products November 2020 – February 2021 P.L Redistricting Data February 2021 – March 31, 2021 Idaho Association of Counties Conference 23

24 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Redistricting Data Program Phase 4 – Collection of the New Plans Collect 118th Congressional and new State Legislative District Plans – November 2021 to May 2022 Continuous collection of Congressional plans on a 2-year cycle Continuous collection of State Legislative District Plans on a 2-year cycle Two versions collected - official and tabulation Idaho Association of Counties Conference 24

25 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Voting Rights Data Citizen Voting Age Population by Race and Ethnicity Annual Tabulation Calculated using the American Community Survey 5-year estimates Researching the addition of other geographies Released in the 1st week of February each year Section 203 Language Determinations New determinations conducted every 5 years Identifies counties or townships where language assistance is needed for voting Expected publication in the Federal Register – December 2016 Idaho Association of Counties Conference 25

26 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
2020 Census Redistricting Data Program The Census Redistricting and Voting Rights Data Office (CRVRDO) is the point of contact for the state designated non-partisan liaison regarding the Redistricting Data Program Liaisons have the option to parcel work out to others and then review Liaisons must certify all work being submitted to Census for processing The CRVRDO will facilitate legal boundary updates with the Boundary and Annexation Survey team and the area’s highest elected official The CRVRDO will continue outreach and education on Census related issues of interest to the redistricting community Colleen Joyce Assistant Chief, Census Redistricting and Voting Rights Data Office More info at Idaho Association of Counties Conference 26

27 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

28 2020 Local Update of Census Addresses Program A once-a-decade-opportunity for designated representatives to review the addresses that will be used to conduct the Decennial Census Single, Simplified Option: Title 13, Full Address List Review Reduce the number of deleted LUCA records in field verification activities      Reduce the burden and the complexity of LUCA Continuous feedback throughout the decade through the GSS program No Boundary & Annexation Survey as LUCA component for 2020 Idaho Association of Counties Conference

29 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
2020 LUCA Program New for 2020 Include census structure coordinates in the census address list and allow partners to return their structure coordinates as part of their submission Provide ungeocoded (no geographic coordinates) U.S. Postal Service Delivery Sequence File addresses to State and County partners Provide address list in more standard formats (.xlsx & .csv) We’ll provide address counts in early 2017 and a public geocoding tool so you can geocode your address list to assess whether you’d like to participate Idaho Association of Counties Conference

30 2020 LUCA Program Participation Options & Schedule
Tentative Schedule: Program invitation: July 2017 Materials Available for Review: February 2018 LUCA Feedback Provided: August 2019 LUCA Appeals: October 2019 GUPS (Geographic Update Partnership Software ) Digital (Commercial GIS/Spreadsheet/Database software) Paper Address List and Maps (Available only to governments with < 6000 addresses) Background imagery on paper maps? Idaho Association of Counties Conference

31 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Geographic Support System GSS: Opportunity to submit addresses and spatial data to Census Bureau on a continual basis Goal: Add new addresses to the Master Address File (MAF), new streets to TIGER, and resolve address and spatial inconsistencies Must meet minimum Address Guidelines After acquiring partner data, Census performs content verification to determine usability Crosswalk, standardize, match, and geocode partner addresses and structure points using Master Address File Match street centerline data to ID differences, calculate spatial accuracy (CE95 method) of partner data using GPS control points Data Content Guidelines Idaho Association of Counties Conference

32 Idaho Association of Counties Conference

33 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

34 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
2020 Participant Statistical Areas Program Opportunity for designated representatives to review and update statistical geographies for 2020 Census data tabulation Enables coordinating agencies to review, identify, propose changes and delineate new census tracts, block groups, census designated places (CDPs), and census county divisions (CCDs). TSAP folded into PSAP: ONE program on one schedule  2 Phases: Delineation (120-day review) Verification    Standard & Tribal Stat Areas Idaho Association of Counties Conference

35 2020 PSAP “Plan” New for 2020 Census Bureau intends to create a 2020 statistical areas “plan” for both the standard and tribal statistical geographies, which our partners can review and update Lessens burden on our partners Ensures that ALL statistical geographies are reviewed/updated consistently More extensive review than just criteria thresholds Partners can update the 2020 “plan” OR they have option to update from 2010 statistical geography base GOAL: Clean, Consistent Statistical Geography Nationwide Idaho Association of Counties Conference

36 2020 PSAP Participation Options & Schedule
Tentative Schedule: Program invitation: Spring 2017 Materials Available: Winter 2018 PSAP Verification: Fall/Winter 2019 GUPS Geographic Update Partnership Software Standard Statistical Geographies: Tribal Statistical Geographies: GUPS or Paper Maps Idaho Association of Counties Conference

37 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) Idaho Association of Counties Conference

38 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Annual Boundary & Annexation Survey Legal Boundaries in Effect on January 1 Annual Survey to collect legal Boundaries in effect on January 1 of the BAS year Boundaries are used to tabulate data for Decennial Census (year ending in 0) Economic Censuses (years ending in 2, 7) Population Estimates Program (annually) American Community Survey (annually) Survey sent starting in December, Materials available (BAS 2017 survey sent in December 2016) Idaho Association of Counties Conference 38

39 Boundary & Annexation Survey
Deadlines & Participation Options Deadlines: March 1 of Survey Year: updates reflected in American Community Survey (ACS) and Population Estimates Program (PEP) May 31 of Survey Year: updates reflected in the following year’s BAS Participation Options: GUPS (Geographic Update Partnership Software ) Digital (Commercial GIS) Paper Maps Idaho Association of Counties Conference 39

40 Boundary & Annexation Survey Coordination with Redistricting
As part of 2020 Redistricting Data Program, State RDP Liaisons may submit boundary updates in Phase 1 (BBSP) & Phase 2 (VTD) new for 2020 Census BAS staff coordinates any RDP-submitted updates with local BAS official for the jurisdiction More info on 2020 Redistricting Data Program: Idaho Association of Counties Conference

41 BAS Consolidation by the State or a County Government
State-Level BAS consolidation: Appropriate where state law dictates that all governments within the state must provide legal changes to a state office County-Level BAS Consolidation: County responds to BAS for governments within the county (entities must agree) Consolidation can eliminate duplication of effort, save $$, ensure boundary changes are being reported, contributes to the NSDI (Census Bureau is boundary steward under OMB Circular A-16) Good Opportunity to Update Boundaries before LUCA! More info at Idaho Association of Counties Conference 41

42 Boundary Validation Program January 2020
Highest Elected Officials and Tribal Chairs provided maps of jurisdictional boundaries for review and update Boundaries as of January 1, 2020 that will be used for 2020 Census data tabulation Idaho Association of Counties Conference 42

43 Boundary Quality Assessment and Reconciliation Project BQARP
Goal: Improve legal and administrative spatial boundary quality in MAF/TIGER System Compare locally sourced data (we acquire whole data sets, not transaction polygons) to adjust Census boundaries Align to parcel and PLSS boundaries, where applicable Coordinate efforts with State partners Lock boundaries in place to prevent changes without legal documentation Independent of BAS Public lands (FS, BLM, NPs, Military, etc.) BQARP Map Example 1 BQARP Map Example 2 Idaho Association of Counties Conference

44 Realigning or Update Features or Boundaries
Realigning the Census place boundary (blue) with the accurate locally-sourced place boundary (red) 44 44

45 Idaho Association of Counties Conference

46 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Census Bureau Geographic Partnership Tools GUPS: Geographic Update Partnership Software Self-contained GIS software package that allows partners with or without GIS software to digitally participate in Census geographic programs, including address updates Replaces the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) Includes built-in tools and verification checks to ensure your data output adheres to program criteria and is formatted correctly so it can be accepted and processed by Census Supports all Geographic Partnership Programs: RDP Redistricting Data Program LUCA Local Update of Census Addresses PSAP Participant Statistical Areas Program SDRP School District Review Program BAS Boundary & Annexation Survey PUMA Public Use Microdata Areas TAZ/TAD Traffic Analysis Zones/Traffic Analysis Districts CQR Count Question Resolution Idaho Association of Counties Conference

47 This image shows you a few things about the 2020 BBSP
This image shows you a few things about the 2020 BBSP. First, what is outlined in red are the ‘prototype’ or ‘planned’ boundaries that we are provided for the first time. So you can see how that gives users something to start to work with. The block in the center of the image had a block size indicator of ‘B” indicating that it contains an estimated 1600 – 1,999 housing units. If I were person doing the BBSP work for Howard County, MD, where this block is located, I might also know that in 2010, the population within the 2010 block (which covered almost, but not exactly the same area) was 2,696 people and 1130 housing units. The 2010 data along with the block size indicator information, helps me to target this block as a good candidate for splitting, so I have a more granular building blocks available to me for doing my post-2020 redistricting work. Note there are a number of walking paths that would make good visible block boundaries. I can digitize them in using GUPS and then set a ‘must hold’ designation flag on them, so that they will be block boundaries in 2020.

48 SWIM: Secure Web Incoming Module
Official web portal for uploading partnership materials to the Census Bureau User Idaho Association of Counties Conference

49 Community TIGER: Address & Spatial Data Sharing
Partnership with Esri No-cost access to ArcGIS software Cloud environment Standardizes local data Validates data prior to submittal Manages data submittals Adheres to Census Bureau minimum data standards Supports National Address Database development Idaho Association of Counties Conference

50 How it works Community TIGER Workflow
Work in your ArcGIS desktop environment or in a virtual desktop environment Send requesting Community TIGER registration to to get started Idaho Association of Counties Conference

51 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
The 2020 Census Key Geographic Partnership Activities BAS 2016 deadline to be included in ACS, PEP - March 1 BAS 2016 deadline for updates to be included in next year’s BAS - April 31: BAS annual invitation to update legal boundaries - December LUCA Advance Notice sent to Highest Elected Officials – January BAS 2017 deadline to be included in ACS, PEP - March 1 BAS 2017 deadline for updates to be included in next year’s BAS - April 31: LUCA Invitation to review Master Address File –July 2017 BAS 2018 – annual invitation to update legal boundaries - December LUCA materials available for review- February (120 days) PSAP materials available for review -December 120 days BAS schedule repeated as above LUCA Feedback provided to participants - August LUCA Appeals Process - October PSAP Verification materials available for review- Fall/Winter BAS schedule repeated as above ) Boundary Validation Program maps sent to HEO/Tribal Chair -January Census Day – April 1, 2020 Apportionment Counts to the President- by December 31, 2020 BAS schedule repeated as above Redistricting Counts to the State- by March 31, 2021 BAS schedule repeated as above Idaho Association of Counties Conference

52 Visit Our Census Geographic Partnerships Page
Idaho Association of Counties Conference

53 Idaho Association of Counties Conference
Contact Information: Thank you Thank you Rick Campbell Geographer, Los Angeles Regional Office Idaho Association of Counties Conference

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