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Example of a great thesis

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1 Example of a great thesis
In the fourteenth through seventeenth century, the Renaissance period brought light to Europe and started a new era separate from the Dark Ages through their advancements in humanism, literature, and art.

2 Example of outside info
The Middle (also known as dark or medieval) ages were true to their name – a dark, backward time when most people’s quality of life was at an all-time low. Feudalism ensure that a small group of wealthy landowners remained in power, while the vast majority of people were condemned to a life of poverty and hard manual labor. In document 2, Jacob Burchhardt suggests, “In the Middle Ages both sides of human consciousness lay dreaming or half awake beneath a common veil.” In other words, few people were true intellectuals, and education and knowledge were not common elements of society.

3 Warm-up Define migration
Provide two examples of migration from Global Studies so far

4 Ibn Battuta Famous Muslim traveler from northern Africa (modern day Morocco) Went on the hajj, kept travelling – 65,000 miles! Returned home, encouraged trade with rest of Muslim world Also wrote down observations about entire area he travelled

5 Chinese Empires – Tang, Song, Ming

6 Review – What is an empire?
Empire – type of government where one person (an emperor) controls multiple different countries or groups of people What are some characteristics of empires? They look to expand Need to work to unite people What are some ways that they do this?

7 Examples of Empires we have studied
Rome Byzantine Empire Babylon Han Gupta Maurya Islamic Hellenistic

8 What are some reasons that these previous empires have fallen?
Tough to defend large borders High taxes Foreign invaders Government corruption Bad emperors

9 China Han Empire falls in 220 CE
Empire controlled large chunk of China, ruled for a long time (what does their fall create?) For 350 years, no one group is able to take charge

10 Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty ( ) – first major dynasty after Han falls Took back many of the lands lost after Han Also expands to Korea

11 Civil Service Tang Dynasty brings back civil service exams (review: what are these?) What Chinese philosophy favored civil service exams? What effect would these exams have on a government? No more unqualified people in positions of power Becoming a government official became VERY competitive

12 Song Dynasty 907 CE – Tang Dynasty overtaxes people, rebels take over
CE – Song Dynasty takes over Decide a smaller kingdom is the best way to go – why? Focused heavily on trade and culture

13 Other accomplishments of Tang and Song
Control and protect Silk Road – trade grows greatly during this time Great inventions Gunpowder Paper Wood block printing The compass Ideas diffuse to Japan

14 Grand Canal


16 This many inventions, sounds like a…
Golden Age! Song Dynasty very innovative, successful, and rich Why would it end? Invaders – the Mongols (we will talk about them tomorrow)

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