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Final Project Joseph Carney.

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1 Final Project Joseph Carney

2 Organization As a communicator it will always be beneficial to know the ways that most effectively imbed the information I am trying to give to someone into their minds. Having clear and organized visuals for any kind of presentation is an important way to be able to do this. Being able to point the attention of the audience to the important points while keeping the format organized will be important to keep in mind if I am to communicate visual information in the future. This idea of keeping a visual message organized as well as pointing the audience’s attention in certain directions helps streamline the message that is being communicated, and makes it much more enjoyable to absorb. The easier a message is to understand, the more likely the message will be understood and remembered by the target audience. Understanding this will be helpful when giving live presentations with visual elements, and incorporating information into any kind of advertisement or informational message.

3 Grabbing Attention Images are powerful. They can be used as visual representations of the ideas a communicator aims to relay to their audience. These visual representations of messages and ideas can sometimes be more powerful than text, and grab the audience’s attention more efficiently than a block of text. Understanding this will be useful to keep in mind if I am ever in a situation where I know need to quickly grab an audience’s attention such as designing a website, or advertisement of any kind. Understanding how to effectively grab people’s attention through visuals and graphics will allow me to use images to their full potential when it comes to communicating ideas to a collaborative team, co-workers, or a general audience I aim to relay ideas and messages to. Being able to do so requires fundamental knowledge of color theory, composition, and a grasp on how people scan through information visually. Creating visual representations with these ideas in mind can reach people in ways text alone cannot, and this emotional connection can make a lasting impression on the audience.

4 External Links

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