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Providing Foster Families Program

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1 Providing Foster Families Program
in Saudi Arabia Done by : Zainab A. Alsunni

2 Outlines : the purpose of research paper. Rationale. Methodology.
Literature Review. Findings . Implications. Conclusion.

3 Purpose: * Prove that Foster Families is a nessccery solution For children abuse problem in Saudi Arabia. * it is provide a safe and appropriate environment for the abused child to rise in. * Abuse cause a lot of damages to the children * Family stability is one of the child rights

4 Rationale Stories of children abuse that I watch and hear *I was browsing an online newspaper, I read an article, and I was shocked. *I believe that every child has the right to live in a good, safe, and lovely families.

5 Methodology Articles Academic websites Statistics Television shows

6 Literature Review According to Arkansas Foster Family Services, "family foster care is a program designed to provide a substitute family life experience ". The purpose is to provide a healthy and safe place for children whom have been placed away from their birth/ legal family because of abuse, neglect, or other family problem. Arkansas Foster Family Services . (n.d.). Arkansas Foster Family Services. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from

7 Princess Munira Abdualrahman Abdullah AlSaud (2005), discussed in her PhD some recommendations to take care of children abuse problem such as: a rule to inform the security agencies if there is any abused or neglected case, establishing a special home for abused children, taking the child away from his/her family if the family or one of its member caused harm to the child, cooperation between security agencies, hospitals. Darwish, H (2009). Social Science Magazine: Abuse Among Children, 7, 19, 2009, from and the role of social care.

8 Findings * Children abuse is a serious problem in
Saudi Arabia, that have been increasing in the past few years *Numbers of children abuse cases in Saudi Arabia indicates that there is a dangerous problem in our community. *Foster Families Program is an appropriate solution for this problem. * Abuse cause a lot of damages to the children. *Family stability is one of children rights.

9 Implications *Social workers have been concerned by the implication of this issue that affects on children such as: disorder of behaviors and mental illnesses. * Abuse of all kinds such as: physical abuse, negligence, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse are an issue that must be controlled. *Foster Families Program is a way for the abused children and their parents to cross all the difficulties they faced to start over.

10 Conclusion Foster Families Program is an appropriate solution for this problem. *rising people awareness of abuse problem, causes of it, and damages that it causes *publish the purpose of Foster Families Program, it is benefits for both the abused child and abusive parents *establishing centers for Foster Families Program in regions of the Kingdom *hiring qualified psychologists and sociologists *aware the children in schools.

11 Thank you for listening
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